"Coach Petersen. I know how he recruits, how he coaches. You don't hear anything -- tampering, poaching, transfers. You don't hear any of that. I believe the perception and reality are the same thing. I have a lot of respect for him."
Unless YOU have proof in HAND...it’s speculation for YOU. ‘Those who know’....meaning YOU are not a ‘THOSE’. I didn’t create the English language but ‘speculation’ is pretty cut and dry. Unless you are an eye witness, YOU are speculating. Word of mouth is not proof.
I guess it depends by what you mean by clean, but doesn't Stanford manipulate their admissions to let who they want in while also claiming it is entirely independent from football when they want to drop a kid?
Interesting, but not statistically significant. The sample size is extremely small, and without information on the respondents (e.g., conference affiliations, opponents, etc.), there's not much meaningful information to be gleaned from this. I doubt it will change anyone's opinion on the issue it was intended to address.
I am fine with being clean, but do we have to be fucking clean AND the KKK? JFC.
Jesus Christ you 18th century style racialist. Can you just be color blind for one for second? Are we recruiting at a higher level than we ever have since the early 90s or are we not?