How many high 4 star/5 star supposed OKGs have OKG parents and aren't on the take? Which reminds me how desperately we* need Shaw to leave and for Stanford to return to mediocre form. Fuck.
They don't care about character. They don't care about grades. They don't care if a kid is actually passionate about football. They don't care about work ethic. All Oregon cares about is star rankings. Good luck with that shit show WhOregon.
What did we win? The Pac-12? Don't make me laugh. USC won last year and their coach is a dead man walking.
Do us a favor and sell your fucking soul, Pete. You don't have to let your assistants beat their wives to a pulp, but that would be better than nothing. Urban has a few titles. What the fuck have you done? Tick, tick tick...
What did we win? The Pac-12? Don't make me laugh. USC won last year and their coach is a dead man walking.
Do us a favor and sell your fucking soul, Pete. You don't have to let your assistants beat their wives to a pulp, but that would be better than nothing. Urban has a few titles. What the fuck have you done? Tick, tick tick...
2 ships in 3 years in the P12 after sucking dick for a generation would be a good start IMO
All reports agree that he started roiding after 98 (this matches the eye test as well). By that point he already had 9 seasons of an OPS over 1.000.
He was a first ballot hall of famer without the juice.
My apologies to @LeachNeedsMoreTim.
Do us a favor and sell your fucking soul, Pete. You don't have to let your assistants beat their wives to a pulp, but that would be better than nothing. Urban has a few titles. What the fuck have you done? Tick, tick tick...