Of course, by now you know Browning and what he’s all about. When the Huskies open fall camp on Friday, Browning will begin his fourth season as the starting QB, the first four-year starter in program history. By the end of 2018, he should own just about every passing record at UW.
At the the Stanford game last year three fellow UW fans tried to fight me when I said Jake Browning was trash and had a noodle arm as we were leaving the stadium. I was also basically blackout drunk so it more may have been me screaming Jake has a noodle arm and fucking sucks and just generally being a dickhead than the actual content of what I was saying. Anyways that’s not the point, based on that one experience I am going to say no.
I also invited my two Oregon buddies to go to the game with me, didn’t think there was any way we would lose. It was a long Uber back to San Francisco. Really punked myself on that one.
Jude’s latest husky headlines pod is a cut up from media day asking browning about all the negative press, pressure, etc.
Anyone who isnt a uw fan just sees higigbtd of beating the Oregon States of the world and the overall record and assumes hes good.
I also invited my two Oregon buddies to go to the game with me, didn’t think there was any way we would lose. It was a long Uber back to San Francisco. Really punked myself on that one.