Creep’s peculiar views deserve a response. OBK, this applies to you 2.(thanks in advance for the downvote or WTF)
Creep suggests, one poaster’s omission, speaking for the majority of Dawgs here, of the Whammy in Miami from Doog Favorite Gayme of all Time implies an “Agenda”
Creep wrote said poaster is “stupid and impress(es) easily.” Creep, shifting into the reality of his Kewg history argues a Bowel beat down pales in comparison to (Creep hops back on the Caines bandwagon) a meaningless victory from a team on probation with nothing to play for over his beloved Caines. “ Even accounting for how much Washington likes to slurp on SC in general, that was a 3-loss team that couldn't beat mediocre-as-fuck Michigan State in the Sun Bowl,” Creep explains. “ In the rear view mirror, while it was a fun game to attend, it didn't have near the historical significance for the program that the Miami win did.”
Creep reasons Miami’s “58 game winning streak” before the Whammy in 94 “is still the mark.” Because UW humbled his seemingly invincible Cains, we should Doog more for this win. The Caines “didn't lose again until the Orange Bowl, where lost by a touchdown to the eventual national champs.”
Here Creep reveals his true looser ways. Losing in the Orange Bowl to the National Champs, by a narrow margin, in Creeps mind, is special. Sound familiar? It should. OBK has spent nearly four years, countless hours, thousands of posts trying desperately to convince us Oregon—and they were very good—, their semi-final win, and their near Natty (Note: they lost) is superior to Washington’s Natty (it was real), larger more spectacular trophy, historical superiority, and recent dominance (see Kim Grinolds limited edition coffee cup)
Like OBK, and Holocaust deniers, Creep downplays UW’s dominance, referring to the 91 season as “A disputed national championship.” How fucking cliche
Truly offended by our seeming indifference to the Whammy, Creep cries, “To not have that game even in your honorable mention means you have an agenda. Kewg.”
Creep, I say to you:
The Whamy in Miami? Meh.
Ending their winning streak was cool. Sticking it up your Caines’ ass was neat. On probation, with nothing to play for, a shit coach and a 7-5 record didn’t gun my scooter.
Bully? for us for our 2-1 record against your Caines
Big regular season wins mean shit unless your REAL team has never won the BIG game.
I get the affection for our? regular season wins against SC in 90 or the 92 game against Nebraska. I prefer the BIG game wins with a Natty on the line.
Fuck off in advance for the Fake Natty, never won a playoff game, schtick.
The current playoff system—it’s brief, 4 year history, includes an appearance by our? Dawgs. Getting there was cool. Talking shit, wanting Bama was neat. Losing to them wasn’t.
Beating Bama, losing to Clemson in the final? A littler cooler. Slightly neeter. Losing the final game and popping off? Never. That’s the difference.
When you WIN the BIG one, LOSING the BIG one sucks. Regular season wins— big regular season wins—mean little if you don’t finish. Unless you? never WON the big one.
Never winning the BIG one means you worship small shit trophies. You flap your gums. You waste your time. You look like fools yapping at the real WINNERS.
Before playoffs, there were no playoffs. No Super Bowel. Make your case on the field.
Poll the national coaches. Hope the fat, never played, cigar chomping, east coast residing reporters give you a fair shake.
92: (91 season) We? WON the BIG game. The coaches, the real talent evaluators, 11 of which got their shit pushed in by UW, voted US? the BEST team.
The east coast media biased, never played the game, dork reporters gave Miami 4 more votes (32-28) than our more deserving Dawgs. Truth be told, most of those lazy fucks never watched a Husky game. Hang your hat on that. It’s all you have.
1985: WE? WON the BIG game against the #2 team. The writers and coaches handed LaVell Edwards, good Mormon he was, a sympathy Natty for eking out a late 4th quarter win over a shit, 6-5 unranked Michigan in the Holiday Bowel. Sterling resume. WAC champions. Only bowl team from the confrence. Great resume.
"They play in the worst conference in the country," Barry Switzer said of the Mormons. "BYU beat its schedule, but it didn't beat the world." Switzer thought his Sooners were the best until our DAWGS fucked them up. We?, Switzer then said, were the BEST.
"How can you rank BYU No. 1?" Bryant Gumbel wondered aloud. "Who'd they play -- Bo Diddley Tech?"
Sadly, Gumbel didn’t have a vote. The media, “many of whom had fallen in love with Cinderella,” a Sports Illustrated article noted, sympathized with the paper champs from Provo.
“People such as Switzer keep asking: Whom did BYU beat?" wrote the Washington Post's Tony Kornheiser. "Hey, who beat BYU?" Fuck off Tony! You ignorant east coast motherfucker!
Larry Guest of the Orlando Sentinel: "It's not [BYU's] fault that all the bigwig teams took the money and ran to bigger bowls, where they called press conferences to brag about how they'd bloody BYU's noses if only they could get at 'em." Spoken like a helicopter parent sticking up for their loser kid. Fuck off Larry.
Asked years later, then BYU QB Robbie Bosco set the record straight. “With the way the [BCS] system is now, there's no question we wouldn't have been No. 1. We probably would have gone to a better bowl, and that would have been great, but there would have been four teams higher than us in the polls."
In closing: WIN the FINAL game—not your bandwagon front running squad, your real team—against a TUFF opponent then pop off.
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Minnesota used to be a powerhouse. Army used to be the shit. No one gives a fuck anymore.
UW has one noteworthy season in the HD era. That's all anyone cares about anymore. Could you have a few more? Sure. You get your shot this year. It's a month from now.
Players from your 91 team are going to start dying from natural causes soon. Live now.