I believe it was Eklund Jr. Nasty case of the crud.
The best advice for cold busting: Stay hydrated. Take 2 Airborne tablets daily—boosts Vitamin C. Lots of rest. 10+ hours. Theraflu (lemon flavored) clears sinuses and helps you fall asleep.
A humidifier with a drop of Vick’s Vapor Rub works like magic. The eucalyptus vapors are great for the lungs.
Pizza washed down with Mug Rootbeer (lots of ice) always makes me feel better, so does watching Silver Streak. Great train movie. Richard Pryor and Gene Hackman.
Your eyes are as good as mine
A humidifier with a drop of Vick’s Vapor Rub works like magic. The eucalyptus vapors are great for the lungs.
Pizza washed down with Mug Rootbeer (lots of ice) always makes me feel better, so does watching Silver Streak. Great train movie. Richard Pryor and Gene Hackman.