Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
No, @creepycoug, a hot bed of Atlantic readers the Tug is not; it's too center-left and most of the articles are TL;DR. That said, as the "thinking man's libtard" here, I feel a moral obligation to shit poast pieces from it on occasion. It is a respected publication of high journalistic value.
You're right about the French in that they far more of an existential threat from immigration than we? do, and it's not even close. The Messicans down in East LA may waive Messican flags at the Rose Bowl when Messico is playing the US in futbol, but last I checked no 1st or 2nd generation Messican ever joined ISIS.
The takeaway here, of course, is that in spite of the (justified) revulsion at seeing kids separated at the border from parents (even if there are some fake ones), the majority of Americans don't trust the Democratic Party on immigration and view its position - which is basically no limits immigration, legal or illegal - as radical extremism.
A wise, old Prussian once (really, not pretend) said, "Politiks is the art of the possible" and I think that's apt here. It's all fine and well to think that there should be a free and unrestricted flow of labor to capital across national boundaries, BUT IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE POLITICALLY FEASIBLE. The working man will only take so much feeling like he's getting that shaft before he goes full "they took our jerbs" and revolts at the ballot box. The pols in this country shouldn't have let it get to that point.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
There you have it. What I said.
No we have immigrants who's allegiance is to their home country and who's money flows there. We have massive illegal immigration in the 10's of millions from the same geographical area. We have an invasion that still does not and will not identify as Americans. We used to call this scenario an invasion.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
There you have it. What I said.
No we have immigrants who's allegiance is to their home country and who's money flows there. We have massive illegal immigration in the 10's of millions from the same geographical area. We have an invasion that still does not and will not identify as Americans. We used to call this scenario an invasion.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
There you have it. What I said.
No we have immigrants who's allegiance is to their home country and who's money flows there. We have massive illegal immigration in the 10's of millions from the same geographical area. We have an invasion that still does not and will not identify as Americans. We used to call this scenario an invasion.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
There you have it. What I said.
No we have immigrants who's allegiance is to their home country and who's money flows there. We have massive illegal immigration in the 10's of millions from the same geographical area. We have an invasion that still does not and will not identify as Americans. We used to call this scenario an invasion.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
America has a culture. It's about immigrants that actually become Americans and do great things. That hasn't been happening for some time.
There you have it. What I said.
No we have immigrants who's allegiance is to their home country and who's money flows there. We have massive illegal immigration in the 10's of millions from the same geographical area. We have an invasion that still does not and will not identify as Americans. We used to call this scenario an invasion.
We have been under Trump's fear to immigrants for over a year now. Abs we still have, according to you, 10s of millions of illegals flowing into the country.
Two problems: this isn't an Atlantic crowd; and the French actually have a culture to preserve that would of itself justify tighter control over immigration.
You missed it.
No, @creepycoug, a hot bed of Atlantic readers the Tug is not; it's too center-left reasonable and most of the articles use too many big words, don't have enuff pictures to color, and are TL;DR. That said, as the "thinking man's libtard" here, I feel a moral obligation to shit poast pieces from it on occasion. It is a respected publication of high journalistic value; and at least you can understand it as a man with a pretend educashun.
You're right about the French in that they far more of an existential threat from immigration than we? do, and it's not even close. The Messicans down in East LA may waive Messican flags at the Rose Bowl when Messico is playing the US in futbol, but last I checked no 1st or 2nd generation Messican ever joined ISIS, despite what Sledog and OBK will tell you as they indulge in their bi-weekly middle school girl panic attack.
The takeaway here, of course, is that in spite of the (justified) revulsion at seeing kids separated at the border from parents (even if there are some fake ones), the majority of Americans don't trust the Democratic Party on immigration and view its position - which is basically no limits immigration, legal or illegal - as radical extremism. Of course, the other guys are just pandering to the lowest common denominator and exploiting their irrational fear of being "invaded" by a bunch lawn care professionals
A wise, old Prussian once (really, not pretend) said, "Politiks is the art of the possible" and I think that's apt here. It's all fine and well to think that there should be a free and unrestricted flow of labor to capital across national boundaries, BUT IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE POLITICALLY FEASIBLE. The working man will only take so much feeling like he's getting that shaft before he goes full "they took our jerbs" and revolts at the ballot box. The pols in this country shouldn't have let it get to that point.
I remember when Ronald Reagan was revered as a great Prez. Now, he's the devil. My how the times are a changin', and my oh my how the mighty have fallen.
Illegal immigrants have been an issue at least since Bill Clinton was against them. Oh and that amnesty thing in the 80's
And Obama keeping kids in cages
Fuck off
Who cares about Trump. I've told you I liked him 20 times. That's enuff. Defending another man who isn't your father that zealously is effeminate. Stop it.
It wasn't an issue under Bill either, so fuck Bill too. Everyone does this shit to pander to people who think we're being "invaded", which is fucking stupid.
Clean it up a big at the border and do better at vetting the really bad folks. No argument there.
Freaking out about the "Mexicans are coming! The Mexicans are coming!" is just not manly. They've been coming for forever and I thank them for their services.
I'd also like to get some of them on the men's US National team. GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!
The Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 adults was taken in mid-June. It shows that only 19 percent of Americans prefer the Democrats’s call to “release the [migrant] families and have them report back for an immigration hearing at a later date.”
The low score included only 17 percent of swing-voters and 7 percent of Republicans, 16 percent of blacks and 20 percent of Hispanics.
In contrast, 39 percent of swing-voters preferred the option of “Hold families together in family detention centers until an immigration hearing at a later date.” Another 18 percent favored separating the families and placing the children in shelters run by a government agency or in “juvenile detention centers.”
The poll shows a 17 percent vs. 58 percent split among independents against the Democratic Party’s easy-migration view, with another 25 percent hiding their views.
That poll likely understates public opposition to the Democrats’ “catch and release” policy. The question gently described the migrants as “families …. without proper documentation,” and 17 percent of respondents declined to answer the question. Many people hide views they believe to be unpopular under “don’t know” or “not sure” answers.
But progressives are determined to preserve the catch-and-release policies that they helped created under President Barack Obama, and which allowed 400,000 migrants to get work-permits and a huge number of under-educated children fit into overcrowded American schools in working-class districts.
You missed it.
Helps Trump IMO
You're right about the French in that they far more of an existential threat from immigration than we? do, and it's not even close. The Messicans down in East LA may waive Messican flags at the Rose Bowl when Messico is playing the US in futbol, but last I checked no 1st or 2nd generation Messican ever joined ISIS.
The takeaway here, of course, is that in spite of the (justified) revulsion at seeing kids separated at the border from parents (even if there are some fake ones), the majority of Americans don't trust the Democratic Party on immigration and view its position - which is basically no limits immigration, legal or illegal - as radical extremism.
A wise, old Prussian once (really, not pretend) said, "Politiks is the art of the possible" and I think that's apt here. It's all fine and well to think that there should be a free and unrestricted flow of labor to capital across national boundaries, BUT IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE POLITICALLY FEASIBLE. The working man will only take so much feeling like he's getting that shaft before he goes full "they took our jerbs" and revolts at the ballot box. The pols in this country shouldn't have let it get to that point.
this damn phone!
Grab one of your guns and feel better friend.
Clearly NOT working.
Sad, really. Really, sad.
Just don't call them fucking liars
Illegal immigrants have been an issue at least since Bill Clinton was against them. Oh and that amnesty thing in the 80's
And Obama keeping kids in cages
Fuck off
It wasn't an issue under Bill either, so fuck Bill too. Everyone does this shit to pander to people who think we're being "invaded", which is fucking stupid.
Clean it up a big at the border and do better at vetting the really bad folks. No argument there.
Freaking out about the "Mexicans are coming! The Mexicans are coming!" is just not manly. They've been coming for forever and I thank them for their services.
I'd also like to get some of them on the men's US National team. GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!
The Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 adults was taken in mid-June. It shows that only 19 percent of Americans prefer the Democrats’s call to “release the [migrant] families and have them report back for an immigration hearing at a later date.”
The low score included only 17 percent of swing-voters and 7 percent of Republicans, 16 percent of blacks and 20 percent of Hispanics.
In contrast, 39 percent of swing-voters preferred the option of “Hold families together in family detention centers until an immigration hearing at a later date.” Another 18 percent favored separating the families and placing the children in shelters run by a government agency or in “juvenile detention centers.”
The poll shows a 17 percent vs. 58 percent split among independents against the Democratic Party’s easy-migration view, with another 25 percent hiding their views.
That poll likely understates public opposition to the Democrats’ “catch and release” policy. The question gently described the migrants as “families …. without proper documentation,” and 17 percent of respondents declined to answer the question. Many people hide views they believe to be unpopular under “don’t know” or “not sure” answers.
But progressives are determined to preserve the catch-and-release policies that they helped created under President Barack Obama, and which allowed 400,000 migrants to get work-permits and a huge number of under-educated children fit into overcrowded American schools in working-class districts.
Is this the kind of service I get for my financial support? Feels like Cuba around here Derek!