Lost my virginity with George Benson on the 8 track.
The whole session lasted about the first 3 bars of "On Broadway".
But it was glorious.
Wish I had lost my virginity to George Benson. I lost mine to a girl though. I know, GROSS! It lasted the duration of the Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me album by The Cure. Thats like a seventy minute album. I fucked my pee pee raw and I thought I was going to be the greatest lover of all time. Turns out I was just really drunk. We tried it again the next night to the same album sober and I couldn't make it to the vocals of the first song on the album. I know CSB.
My hole entry is DQ'ed anyway. That was a college grope song. I was chinvoluntarily celibate in high school.
Don't remember who made it. Just keeps repeating "I was gettin some head"
First movie theatre hand job to this song during Cruel Intentions
Shout out to @GrandpaSankey
Got my first old fashioned to this one
but for makeout seshes:
Depeche Mode's "Black Celebration" album
U2 "With or Without You"
The Cure "Staring at the Sea; Singles" album
Fuckin' country music