So if you don't like the Eagles, fuck off and head back to the Tug.
Joe Walsh stole the show. His voice is still strong and he plays guitar like the madman he is. Don Felder's replacement (2001) Steuart Smith is an incredible guitar player. I thought Joe did most of the lead stuff but no, it's this guy. This is the first time I've seen the Eagles so I really didn't know. The guitar play between these two at the end of Hotel California was amazing. I have a whole new appreciation for that song, I never really listened carefully to the guitar work. Seeing it live is a whole other dimension.
I'm sorry I never made the effort to see Glen Frey. I didn't realize how much I liked him until after his death. He son Deacon looks and sounds freakishly like his dad.

He sang three of his songs, Take it Easy being one of them ... it was kind of weird. What Deacon lacks, no fault of his own, is the gravitas behind the song. He's never seen hard times, pain, hurt, rejection ... playing shitty ass gigs where you actually lose money, getting ripped off, beaten up, fucked over ... that shit comes out in the great ones and you feel it in the music.
Vince Gill - I'm late to the Vince Gill party. Up until about 2-3 years ago he was just one of those country guys vaguely in my consciousness like Clink Black, some Paisley fucker, Tim McGraw, those kind of guys. Wouldn't know a song by any of them if I heard it but one thing I do know about country is that those guys can really sing. Anyway, I don't know exactly how or when I stumbled across Vince Gill but this mother fucker is straight out of heaven. He's the whole package, singer, songwriter, guitar player ... FUCK, he's the shit. He's probably the reason we pulled the trigger on going to this concert. That and knowing I'd be upset if I didn't at least catch the last three Eagles before they die.
Timothy Schmit, age has weakened his voice, he sounds every bit of his 70 years, but still good enough. I'm not disappointed.
Don Henley - this concert was originally scheduled in March, but was rescheduled do to an illness. Still sounds good for 70. Desperado was the last song of the night, you could tell the night kind of took a toll on his voice. I'm sure it's a mixture of being 70 and getting over whatever illness he had. Again, not disappointed.
The show was 2 and a half hours. Straight up playing! No bullshit, no fire, no exotic light show and smoke, just playing music. The sound was in-fucking-credible. Crisp, clean and clear. Harmonies unbeliveable. I also liked that there was NOTHING political. These guys just showed up and delivered, played their soles out. They played EVERYTHING, all of it.
This tour is going until the end of October, all over the country. If you or your boyfirend have even a remote interest in the Eagles, do it. I took only one of my wives, upper bowl, paid about $240 with all the taxes, fees and dealer prep.
Kind of a fag if you ask me.
Wood smash even though Lance Armstrong's PED shrunk dick has been there.
Catch their documentary if you haven’t seen it already.