There's a big difference between an NFL dude who plays for 20 years total and 10 of them against professional and college monsters vs a kid who plays for a few years in high school vs 180 lbs scrubs.
The only people who should be worried are people with NFL talent.
And those are exactly the people who don't give a fuck.
Don't give a fuck or are taking a risk based on the millions of dollars they make?
Nascar drivers die in horrible crashes but it's still going.
Don't give a fuck.
How many guys who played a few years of high school football are walking around braindead? Gtfo
There's a big difference between an NFL dude who plays for 20 years total and 10 of them against professional and college monsters vs a kid who plays for a few years in high school vs 180 lbs scrubs.
The only people who should be worried are people with NFL talent.
And those are exactly the people who don't give a fuck.
You’ve got it ass backward. The real harm is happening from repetitive daily head trauma in practice. At all levels on down to Pop Warner.
There's a big difference between an NFL dude who plays for 20 years total and 10 of them against professional and college monsters vs a kid who plays for a few years in high school vs 180 lbs scrubs.
The only people who should be worried are people with NFL talent.
And those are exactly the people who don't give a fuck.
You’ve got it ass backward. The real harm is happening from repetitive daily head trauma in practice. At all levels on down to Pop Warner.
Won't just be a football issue either. Hockey and soccer (headers, etc.) are likely targets down the road as well.
Inside the US here’s CFB and everything else. It will continue to grow in popularity.
No. It won't.
And I will be as devastated as you.
Have you met a single person that has stopped watching football because of CTE? I don’t think I have. I bet the anthem protests got more people to stop watching than any CTE hot talk. I know that’s a NFL issue, but still.
Everyone pretends they care so much about the safety of the players, but they really don’t. Everyone still watches and mostly everyone still enjoys a big hit.
As I’ve said before. The kids who won’t be allowed to play football because mommy is scared for their brain were never the types to play big time college football anyways.
I know one. And he can be annoying as fuck. And he's admitted to still watching it...
How many guys who played a few years of high school football are walking around braindead? Gtfo
Violence is good.
If you have a good kicker it's a touchback 81 percent of the time
ViOlEnCe iS GooD.
IF yOu HaVe a gOoD KiCkEr iT'S A ToUcHbAcK 81 PeRcEnT oF ThE tImE
In reality they just care about preventing their star players from missing games because of injuries.