I'm tired of talking about all the hair metal and butt rock that a bunch of guys who miss using hairspray worship. Here's some music you can listen to while fantasizing you're doing more than spending it in your two dad's basement poasting on HH. Consider this the regular season of the Metal NIT to come with Punk Rock being the OOC games. Maybe this way some of you will know more about metal than Metallica's black album when voting.
First band I was ever really into on my own. First album I bought was their Stranger Than Fiction on cassette while in Wyoming in a Walmart for my first Walkman. Totally random but it completely blew my mind. Cool story bro'
FWIW if you are making arguments for Aerosmith and U2 being the greatest bands in rock history you are a retard.
If Aerosmith were a beer, it would be Busch Light. Enjoyed by the mouth breathing masses, but terrible.
Not just chinning but copy-pasta'ing into the group chat with all my idiot metal head friends. Reference to Busch Light and not just Bud Light is what made it imo.
This is in the punk genre, maybe post punk, bit of a Fugazi sound. Heard them recently on KEXP. This is my new anthem next time I have to fight one of you fuckers at the 7-11 in the u-district.
This was an intro play list. Expect one each week. Ramstein will get their turn. Also, it's a lead in. Post additional music as you will.