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Why I think coach Shaw is the greatest coach in the country



  • [Deleted User]

    Yuoo vunt tu teke-a zee glufes ooffff Rece-a? Yuoo vunt tu get doon in a peessing metch? Let’s du it. Let’s rull.

    I’m getteeng cumpletely fed up veet yuoor hete-a, negeteefity, und throoeeng peuple-a under zee boos.

    Qooeete-a frunkly Rece-a, I’m fery, FERY heppy thet I dun’t knoo yuoo. I’m qooeete-a heppy thet I dun’t leed vhet eppeers tu be-a sooch a pezeeteec leeffe-a thet is feced veet luukeeng fur zee negeteefity in ifery seetooeshun. Yuoo need tu gu feend sumetheeng tu smeele-a et. Lest I checked, it’s soommerteeme-a. Zee veezeer in Seettle-a seems tu be-a pretty demn guud reeght noo – vhy dun’t yuoo gu check thet oooot.

    Yuoo ere-a pretty demn vrung ebuoot theengs. Yuoo mey theenk thet zee emuoont ooff teeme-a thet yuoo keep spooeeng yuoor feeoos thet thet yuoo’fe-a noo heerd it inuoogh teemes thet yuoo ere-a reeght. Duesn’t meke-a yuoo reeght.

    Yuoo telk ebuoot 12-47 leeke-a thet heppened oooot ooff zee blooe-a sky. I’fe-a nefer seee yuoo oonce-a sooggest thet zee prucess ooff zee doonffell ooff thees prugrem begun vell beffure-a Immert erreefed.

    Yuoo vunt fects? Yuoo vunt troot? Here-a’s yuoor troot.

    Immert ceme-a tu zee UV preeur tu zee GLORIOOoS 1-10 seesun under Geelby. Zee yeer beffure-a thet (2003) Geelby muneged tu du inuoogh tu get us tu 6-6, boot thet inclooded zee debecle-a et Cel vhere-a ve-a gefe-a up 700 yerds (oor zeereebuoots). It ves un indeefffferent teem thet pretty mooch ves et best medeeucre-a. Ve-a lust 5 ooff oooor lest 8, incloodeeng zee bloouoot tu Cel, zee bloouoot tu UCLA, und a hume-a luss tu NEFEDA. Yep, zee prugrem ves heedeeng in zee reeght durecshun.

    Zee 2002 seesun under Sleeck ves unuzeer sterleeng seesun ixemple-a thet is must remembered fur zee “Nurthvest Chempeeunship.” Thet ves greet. Boot it heed zee fect thet gueeng intu zee “Nurthvest Chempeeunship” ve-a vere-a a 4-5 fuutbell teem thet ves pretty mooch a juke-a et 1-4 in zee cunfference-a. In but 2002 und 2003, ve-a feenished zee seesun veet a 4-4 cunfference-a recurd.

    Zeese-a veree’t guud fuutbell teems. Zee trend ves heedeeng doonheell.

    Immert cumes oon buerd und immedeeetely gets sedled veet zee Geelby 1-10 debecle-a.

    Preeur tu Immert cumeeng oon buerd, Bebs joomps sheep effter a decede-a ooff mees-munegement, incloodeeng ellooeeng zee stedeeoom tu begeen zee iruseeun prucess.

    Thruooghuoot 2003, ve-a’re-a feced veet Sleeck leefeeng und zee soobseqooent levsooeet(s), Dr. Feelguud, und a vhule-a mess veet zee sufftbell prugrem und Teresa Veelsun.


    Theengs vere-a nut in greet shepe-a. I theenk joost ebuoot iferybudy knoo thet.

    A seerch cummeettee-a is furmed tu replece-a Bebs. Zee BOR, upper cempoos, und zee beeg dunur sooppurters ooff zee schuul ere-a seeck ooff zee igg shooeeng up oon zeeur fece-a. Zeey ere-a seeck ooff zee cuoontry cloob thet Bebs run und zee luuse-a vey she-a run zee depertment – perteecoolerly in leeght ooff vhet vent oon veet Sleeck. Zeey vunted sumeune-a preem, pruper, und vhu zeey cuoold cuoont oon vuoold nut soolly zee Uneefersity neme-a. INTER TODD TOoRNER.

    Noo, thees pretty mooch gets yuoo up tu zee pueent vhere-a Immert ves hured. Deed he-a hefe-a tu seegn ooffff oon zee hureeng ooff Toorner? Must leekely. Boot vhetefer.

    Et thees pueent, Immert isn’t respunseeble-a fur zee oon-feeeld perffurmunce-a ooff zee fuutbell prugrem. Zeere-a is a cuech in plece-a. It’s nut Immert’s jub tu oofersee-a zee fuutbell prugrem oor uny oozeer prugrem in zee ethleteec depertment. Thet jub belungs tu Tudd Toorner. It’s Immert’s jub tu muneetur zee jub perffurmunce-a ooff Tudd Toorner.

    Su 1-10 heppens. Geelby is cunned by Toorner (reeghtffoolly su). Yes, zee prugrem vent 1-10. Boot zee ecshuns ooff thuse-a cherged veet ooferseeeeng zee prugrem vere-a currect. Toorner fured zee cuech fur puur perffurmunce-a. Iff I’m in Immert’s shues, I cun’t cumpleeen.

    Cuecheeng seerch tekes plece-a und Toorner hes hees heert set oon Tyrune-a Veellinghem. It’s Toorner’s hure-a. It’s nut Immert’s hure-a. Soorely Immert hed tu seegn ooffff oon zee hure-a. Thet’s feene-a. Yuoo vunt tu throo sume-a bleme-a oon heem fur nut hefeeng zee fureseeght tu negete-a zee hure-a. Thet’s feene-a. Boot zee hure-a isn’t Immert’s respunseebility. It’s Toorner’s respunseebility. It’s Immert’s respunseebility tu huld Toorner eccuoonteble-a fur zee hure-a (vheech he-a deed 3 yeers leter vhee it ves oobfeeuoos thet Tyrune-a vesn’t zee unsver).

    Su Tyrune-a gues 2-9 zee furst yeer effter a 1-10 yeer. Nut greet. Verneeng seegns stert gueeng ooffff, perteecoolerly veet sume-a puur perffurmunce-a tu cluse-a gemes. Boot it’s zee furst yeer ooff zee regeeme-a und reelly herd tu get tuu creeticel.

    Zee next yeer zee prugrem gues 5-7 und hes 2 seegnifficunt ifents. Zee furst seegnifficunt ifent is zee luss ooff zee QB tu injoory. I theenk muny cuoold ergooe-a thet veethuoot zee luss ooff Iseeeeh thet yeer, ve-a gu 6-6. Zee secund ifent thet ves seegnifficunt ves zee “sooddenly seneeur” dey und zee unexpleeceble-a luss tu Stunffurd veet zee must imushunless fuutbell teem unybudy hed ifer seee. Egeeen, zeere-a’s nut inuoogh zeere-a tu fure-a Tyrune-a et thet pueent. Zeere-a ere-a verneeng seegns. Zeere-a is gruoond tu pretty mooch tell Tyrune-a thet zee fullooeeng yeer is un ecshun yeer vhere-a sumetheeng needs tu heppee. He-a’s oon a shurt leesh et thees pueent in my oopeeniun.

    Zee fullooeeng yeer ve-a luse-a gemes in veys thet ere-a unexpleeeneble-a. Bloo a hooge-a luss tu Ereezuna – a geme-a ve-a shuoold hefe-a nefer lust. Zee must reedicooluoos indeeng tu un Epple-a Coop I’fe-a ifer seee vhere-a a gooy ves oopee by 20 yerds cumeeng oooot ooff a teemeuoot. Blooeeng a peur ooff 21 pueent leeds tu Heveee’i. It ves pretty oobfeeuoos et thees pueent thet theengs veree’t vurkeeng. Cuecheeng chunge-a ves in oorder. Perheps un ED chunge-a ves elsu in oorder. Zee cuecheeng chunge-a ves blucked und cumpleeceted. Zee ED’s heed fell – und reeghtffoolly su dooe-a tu sume-a oozeer issooes thet he-a hed und sooch a terreeble-a hure-a ooff a heed cuech.

    Preeur tu zee deceesiun tu fure-a Tyrune-a effter 2007, it’s reelly herd tu ergooe-a veet ENYTHING thet Immert hed dune-a veet respect tu zee fuutbell prugrem.

    I veell sey thet breenging Tyrune-a beck fur 2008 ves a deesesteruoos meesteke-a. It shuoold hefe-a nefer heppened. Yuoo vunt tu throo 0-12 oon Immert – I’m ell fur it. I theenk iff yuoo cooght Immert in a refflecteefe-a, troothffool mument, he-a vuoold tell yuoo in heendsight thet he-a shuoold hefe-a mede-a zee mufe-a und thet it vesn’t vurt zee cernege-a ooff 0-12.

    Throo Immert under zee boos fur 2008. Thet’s hees respunseebility. 2004-2007? Nut su mooch. By ell meuns, pleese-a, pleese-a tell me-a vhere-a he-a hes respunseebility fur 2004 und 2007 oozeer thun zee fect thet he-a’s zee Uneefersity Preseedent. Pleese-a tell me-a vhet speceeffic ecshuns thet he-a deed tu undermeene-a zee prugrem. Yuoo eree’t gueeng tu feend zeem – zeey eree’t zeere-a.

    Yuoor creeticism ooff Immert is reedicooluoos. Yuoor creeticism ooff Vuudverd is joost doonreeght cumeecel.

    Vhere-a hes Vuudverd scrooed thees prugrem? He-a hes oonly beee respunseeble-a fur thees prugrem in zee soommer ooff 2008 in a fooll-teeme-a rule-a. Ere-a yuoo gueeng tu huld heem tu zee fure-a fur beeeng zee intereem ED fur zee furst helff ooff 2008? Hoo is he-a respunseeble-a fur unytheeng frum 2004-2007 vhee he-a vesn’t ifee infulfed veet zee Ethleteec Depertment? Telk ebuoot cunspurecy zeeureees. Thees mey be-a oone-a ooff zee greetest cunspurecy zeeureees I’fe-a ifer seee.

    I dun’t leeke-a luseeng. I dun’t leeke-a vhet I’fe-a seee zee lest 5 yeers. It’s mede-a me-a seeck tu my stumech muny teemes oofer. Boot unleeke-a yuoo, I cun et leest teke-a a step beck und reeleeze-a thet zee genesees ooff thees prublem begun vell beffure-a Merk Immert beceme-a Preseedent ooff zee Uneefersity ooff Vesheengtun.

    Iff I spent my teeme-a beeeng a “meendless Rece-a Bunnun meeniun,” zeen I’d be-a cunfeenced thet zee oonly lugeecel ixpluneshun fur oooor feeeloores hefe-a beee Merk Immert und Scutt Vuudverd.

    Qooeete-a frunkly, thet oopeeniun is oone-a ooff zee must ideeutic insunely stoopeed oopeeniuns thet I’fe-a ifer seee in my leeffe-a.

    I dun’t deffend zee “vrung tergets.” Zeere-a is bleme-a tu be-a throon Immert’s vey. I reedeely ecknooledge-a thet. Boot it isn’t hees fooll bleme-a. Bebs deserfes bleme-a. Gerberdeeng deserfes bleme-a. McCurmeeck deserfes sume-a bleme-a. Sleeck deserfes sume-a bleme-a. Geelby deserfes sume-a bleme-a. Toorner deserfes sume-a bleme-a. Tyrune-a deserfes sume-a bleme-a. Ooff zee nemes I’fe-a leested, oonly 3 ooff thuse-a nemes hefe-a uny teemeline-a thet ixtends intu uny purshun ooff Immert’s tenoore-a. Thet’s less thun helff ooff thuse-a nemes.

    Qooeete-a frunkly Rece-a, yuoo ere-a a vurld cless dunkey. Vhee I heer peuple-a beetch und muun ebuoot zee peuple-a in zee Stete-a ooff Vesheengtun – yuoo ere-a a crystel ixemple-a ooff vhy peuple-a beetch ebuoot zee Stete-a ooff Vesheengtun. Vhee I heer peuple-a thet beetch ebuoot zee funs ooff zee Uneefersity ooff Vesheengtun und vhet zeeur cumpleeents ere-a, yuoo represent vhet thuse-a cumpleeents ere-a.

    In my oopeeniun, yuoo ere-a nut guud fur zee Uneefersity ooff Vesheengtun. Yuoo eree’t helpeeng zee prugrem. Yuoo eree’t helpeeng zee Uneefersity. Yuoo ere-a inturely selff-serfeeng und a pumpuoos, iguteesticel jerk.

    Yuoo ere-a berkeeng up zee vrung tree-a iff yuoo ere-a gueeng effter me-a. I’m nut neeefe-a inuoogh tu shufe-a my heed su fer up my erse-a tu ignure-a vhet I em seeeeng. I dun’t theenk thet zeere-a is unybudy thet knoos me-a thet vuoold sey thet I vuooldn’t cell a spede-a a spede-a.

    Ell thet peyeeng fur und ettendeeng gemes lunger thun I’fe-a beee eleefe-a hes dune-a fur yuoo is geefee yuoo a perceeefed ebeelity tu gu be-a a beetter oold mun. Cungrets oon thet.

    Thunks fur shooeeng thuse-a ooff us in a yuoonger genereshun hoo nut tu ect in 20-30 yeers vhee ve-a ere-a in yuoor shues.

    I was surprised Boobs didn't post take the gloves off rant first. I kept waiting for someone to do that.
  • DeepSeaZ
    DeepSeaZ Member Posts: 3,901
    Dark didn't call for a pass the entire second half. UW kept scoring. Does that make him a good coach?

    Actually just one reason, but one that holds a ton of calories. During the 3rd quarter of the Oregon game, coach Shaw gathered the offense on the sidelines and said..".we're not throwing the ball again...". We all saw how the team, specifically the O-line responded.

    Conversely during the Colorado game, Sark gathered HIS team and said "guys, we're going to throw every down!" Which he tried...then said " oh, and Bishop , hit the bench with Cyler, Keith will finish the game out ".

    However Miles did play a quarter without ANY practice passes out of courtesy to Colorado. And next year Sark is going to wish Miles threw a fucking forward pass this year.

    Ive been railing on SARK for almost 2 years for NOT getting Miles some reps. Colorado was the perfect opportunity. Instead Sark chose to get KP some much needed reps with the 1st team up 52-7. Hes a fucking idiot. Sark and his team will pay come UW'z 1st critical 3rd and long next year. Cyler will be in the gun of course, and will be saying to himself "I havent thrown a pass in 2 years...what do I do".?