The Fisher family weren't exactly bomb throwing liberals so I don't know if KOMO has fallen or not
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
The Fisher family weren't exactly bomb throwing liberals so I don't know if KOMO has fallen or not
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
Don't disagree per say. I wish there was a truly "fair and balanced" news outlet. CNN is a joke. Fox has become a joke (wasn't too bad in the 90's).
The Fisher family weren't exactly bomb throwing liberals so I don't know if KOMO has fallen or not
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
Don't disagree per say. I wish there was a truly "fair and balanced" news outlet. CNN is a joke. Fox has become a joke (wasn't too bad in the 90's).
There's really no such animal. Fair & balanced comes from consuming a diversity of media. For me, that's WSJ and HCH. HTH.
The Fisher family weren't exactly bomb throwing liberals so I don't know if KOMO has fallen or not
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
Don't disagree per say. I wish there was a truly "fair and balanced" news outlet. CNN is a joke. Fox has become a joke (wasn't too bad in the 90's).
There's really no such animal. Fair & balanced comes from consuming a diversity of media. For me, that's WSJ and HCH. HTH.
The tug is actually not a bad place to get the headlines so long as you know everyone's biases. It's kind of like a really shitty version of Real Clear Politics.
All local stations report National News the exact same way. You fucks aren't worth me searching for the link, but recently there was a video of a bunch of different local reporters spewing National News and they all said the exact same thing, almost to the T.
Most News is fake news as most reporters are either too incompetent or too lazy to report the whole story. And in most cases abundance.
Does this mean newspapers across the country should stop printing editorials or endorsing candidates?
This is such a bullshit red-herring. Sinclair stations didn't say a damned thing left, right, up or down. They say it's their responsibility to play it right down the middle.
All local stations report National News the exact same way. You fucks aren't worth me searching for the link, but recently there was a video of a bunch of different local reporters spewing National News and they all said the exact same thing, almost to the T.
Most News is fake news as most reporters are either too incompetent or too lazy to report the whole story. And in most cases abundance.
Rush was pointing out in the early 90's that the NY Times, Wa Po and the three major networks had the same stories at the same time all the time
News is a commodity like a top 40 radio station with a formula.
The Fisher family weren't exactly bomb throwing liberals so I don't know if KOMO has fallen or not
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
How true! Airplane Crew's names were "Ho Lee Phuc, Sum Ting Wong and Ding Bang Ow"
There was nothing wrong with the language of the statement itself, it was pretty benign. You could argue that a media conglomerate orchestrating a "don't trust them, trust us" campaign (which this ultimately is) is dicey, but news happens to be a business and I don't see how you chalk that up to anything other than marketing.
I know a few people in the local TV news industry. Apparently Jean is/was a total kleptomaniac. According to one of my friends, department stores like Nordstrom and Macy's had a King 5 employee on speed dial and would call whenever they saw Jean hoist merchandise. The King 5 employee would either buy the merchandise or get Jean to return it to avoid charges.
I find it amusing though. These bubble headed bleach blondes read whatever is put in front of them and act like they are journalists or something. They can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in their eye.
Does msnbc tell Joe and Mika what to say? You bet they do
Should add that the networks followed suit. Kill your television
Most News is fake news as most reporters are either too incompetent or too lazy to report the whole story. And in most cases abundance.
This is such a bullshit red-herring. Sinclair stations didn't say a damned thing left, right, up or down. They say it's their responsibility to play it right down the middle.
Fuck CNN and Joe Scarborough's fuck bucket.
News is a commodity like a top 40 radio station with a formula.
They are in full panic and it's beautiful.
I story bro!