Repeal the tax cuts and raise the corporate rate and all individual rates
Repeal the 2nd Ammendment
Lower the age to be President to 18 so Hogg can run
Teach your children well, their father's hell yadda yadda yadda
You're clearly underestmating the stupidity of Democrats if you think they aren't actually going to do exactly this.
They already are
Its a race to the bottom. Last week Ryan, McConnell and Trump pissed off their base who threatened to stay home
Now the democrats rush to the rescue to get them to the polls by threatening their guns
Stay tuned
Only the ignorant think that liberals are trying to take guns.
This is why I hate the gun control debate more than any other debate.
Liberals are fucking liars and conservatives are fucking idiots. Later. Rinse. Repeat.
Of course people are trying to take guns away. And there's damn good reasons for it. And 14 of the 15 conservative talking points on this are stupid. If gun control = taking guns away (which conservatives rightly believe) then hell fucking yes gun control would reduce the hell out of violent deaths. This is proven time and again globally. The denials are intellectually insulting.
There is one good conservative argument against gun control - the government doing whatever the hell it wants to to its people. That's it, but it's a damn good argument.
Here's all that needs to be discussed on gun control: Is it worth the potential of experiencing tyranny that comes with gun control in order to protect kids/others from mass shootings and gun violence.
That's, that's the debate. I go back and forth on it. I lean towards no but I think there's good arguments on both sides.
Anything else anyone ever says about gun control is stupid or dishonest or both. That's the only question that matters.
Trump might be on to something bargaining tariffs for revised trade deals.
Bad: Conservatives are getting the wall; Mexico is not paying for it.
LIPO: Both sides need to fix Obamacare. Partisan bullshit aside, healthcare eats up a higher % of GDP every year. I’m ok paying a “little extra” for working Joe and Jane busting their ass but can’t afford medical care. If these fuckers, Dems or Repubs, can’t figure it out and fix, they need to GTFO.
And fuck the polls. Who gives a shit if it’s 40% or 53%. Fuck Stormy Daniels. Fuck Sean Hannity. Handle your shit or GTFO.
Repeal the tax cuts and raise the corporate rate and all individual rates
Repeal the 2nd Ammendment
Lower the age to be President to 18 so Hogg can run
Teach your children well, their father's hell yadda yadda yadda
You're clearly underestmating the stupidity of Democrats if you think they aren't actually going to do exactly this.
They already are
Its a race to the bottom. Last week Ryan, McConnell and Trump pissed off their base who threatened to stay home
Now the democrats rush to the rescue to get them to the polls by threatening their guns
Stay tuned
Only the ignorant think that liberals are trying to take guns.
This is why I hate the gun control debate more than any other debate.
Liberals are fucking liars and conservatives are fucking idiots. Later. Rinse. Repeat.
Of course people are trying to take guns away. And there's damn good reasons for it. And 14 of the 15 conservative talking points on this are stupid. If gun control = taking guns away (which conservatives rightly believe) then hell fucking yes gun control would reduce the hell out of violent deaths. This is proven time and again globally. The denials are intellectually insulting.
There is one good conservative argument against gun control - the government doing whatever the hell it wants to to its people. That's it, but it's a damn good argument.
Here's all that needs to be discussed on gun control: Is it worth the potential of experiencing tyranny that comes with gun control in order to protect kids/others from mass shootings and gun violence.
That's, that's the debate. I go back and forth on it. I lean towards no but I think there's good arguments on both sides.
Anything else anyone ever says about gun control is stupid or dishonest or both. That's the only question that matters.
Since governments are the biggest murderers in history your conclusion should be easy.
Repeal the tax cuts and raise the corporate rate and all individual rates
Repeal the 2nd Ammendment
Lower the age to be President to 18 so Hogg can run
Teach your children well, their father's hell yadda yadda yadda
Its a race to the bottom. Last week Ryan, McConnell and Trump pissed off their base who threatened to stay home
Now the democrats rush to the rescue to get them to the polls by threatening their guns
Stay tuned
Not everyone is gutless like you
Liberals are fucking liars and conservatives are fucking idiots. Later. Rinse. Repeat.
Of course people are trying to take guns away. And there's damn good reasons for it. And 14 of the 15 conservative talking points on this are stupid. If gun control = taking guns away (which conservatives rightly believe) then hell fucking yes gun control would reduce the hell out of violent deaths. This is proven time and again globally. The denials are intellectually insulting.
There is one good conservative argument against gun control - the government doing whatever the hell it wants to to its people. That's it, but it's a damn good argument.
Here's all that needs to be discussed on gun control: Is it worth the potential of experiencing tyranny that comes with gun control in order to protect kids/others from mass shootings and gun violence.
That's, that's the debate. I go back and forth on it. I lean towards no but I think there's good arguments on both sides.
Anything else anyone ever says about gun control is stupid or dishonest or both. That's the only question that matters.
Trump might be on to something bargaining tariffs for revised trade deals.
Bad: Conservatives are getting the wall; Mexico is not paying for it.
LIPO: Both sides need to fix Obamacare. Partisan bullshit aside, healthcare eats up a higher % of GDP every year. I’m ok paying a “little extra” for working Joe and Jane busting their ass but can’t afford medical care. If these fuckers, Dems or Repubs, can’t figure it out and fix, they need to GTFO.
And fuck the polls. Who gives a shit if it’s 40% or 53%. Fuck Stormy Daniels. Fuck Sean Hannity. Handle your shit or GTFO.