Jeez take it easy on the guy. For those who took Econ 200, you might remember it's not THAT easy. And it's graded on a curve IIRC so if you fuck up a few times you're screwed.
Jeez take it easy on the guy. For those who took Econ 200, you might remember it's not THAT easy. And it's graded on a curve IIRC so if you fuck up a few times you're screwed.
Jeez take it easy on the guy. For those who took Econ 200, you might remember it's not THAT easy. And it's graded on a curve IIRC so if you fuck up a few times you're screwed.
Not to mention that it is a class of 500 people with the professor usually being a guy that wrote the textbook answering every question as read the textbook. For the average student, a good prof and TA goes a long way in that class as the concepts make a ton of sense as you get deeper into Econ but make a little less sense up front because nobody in their right mind talks about utility, etc
I remember intermediate macro econ being really hard. Well that and I only went to class twice.
Fortunrately it was curved so I got a B anyway
I always found macro to make more intuitive sense to how the world really operates compared to micro ... micro always just seemed like common sense and blew my mind that people actually spent a lot of time talking and proving that things like rent controls are value destroyers
Should be useful in 4 years
way to embarrass your whole race
Fortunrately it was curved so I got a B anyway
Nevermind, looks like he isn't in the faculty anymore.