Tosh has an in home visit tonight and Myles parents and grand parents will be there, that will be huge. If I were involved in UCLA recruiting I would start to get a little sweaty. Tomorrow morning sit back and enjoy the show, things are about to get really fun
I watched him run that live tonight at AZ stadium. Mora brought in a few defensive players and they just destroyed AZ's secondary while dealing the edge off. Of course Jack is fast so he just outran them once he got around the edge.
Linebackers smoking the secondary of AZ isn't show. I watched him take the corner after the edge was split and he was off to the races. He just pushed away any of the smaller secondary who were able to get near them.
I think my favorite part of the TD is how nonchalant he was in the endzone. True frosh linebacker goes the distance on 3rd and short for his first ever college score...and acts like he expected to be there the whole time.
instant citrus
Two fat fucks and a skinny jeans wearing faggot(75K) assured me of this.
I fucking hate Sark.