It may not be long before humans can literally transform themselves into the ideal mate.
Hopefully this doesn't become a thing for a long time.
Let's say next year people could start modifying their embryos' genes. You know what's gonna happen in 20-30 years? We're gonna get old and look terrible and be terrible at life.... and then we're gonna seem even worse in comparison to all the 20-30 year old "perfect genes" people running around.
It'll be a double-whammy in differentiation. Nobody will want to have sex with us anymore. Not even people our own age...because we will find each other so repulsive in comparison to all the young people with perfect genes. In fact, we'll all be desperately trying (and failing) to fuck them every chance we get. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if rape went up by 781%.
I feel like nobody else is thinking about this. Scientists keep researching genetic modification as if it's a good thing, completely oblivious to the shit storm it's going to cause. Are they just totally okay with suffering later in life as long as it's for the greater good of humanity? Are they just totally okay with more rape?
Thank God this planet has me on it. I think about this shit because the world's most brilliant scientists are incapable...and because I'm really scared that someday I won't be able to crush puss anymore.
It didn't Dawn on you in sophomore year of high school when it was easier to fuck freshmen?