I don't mean to be alarmist here. Just wanted to pass along some information. It's not good. Per my source (a few of you know who this is) watch out for Lake to FSU with Willie.
Willie wants Leavitt but they have to figure out his buyout. This move by UW could be in response to that. Jimmy coached for the Bucs in Tampa. Either Secondary coach or DC depending on what happens with Leavitt.
I hope to god KJR is right.
I saw a post on an FSU board today about Lake.
"Heard Jimmy Lake from UDub as DC. Is there any truth to any of that or is just B.S. ?"
The thought of Lake working under Taggart sickens me. I feel like it won't happen, but if Lake is offered and is given the choice, it'd be hard for him to not accept it.
Disagree. I would be money he would never move his family across the country again to go work for Willie fucking Taggart. This has an equal chance of happening as Coach Pete to Tennessee.
Maybe you're right about your first point, but it's definitely more likely than Petersen going to Tennessee.