Early exit poll shows that 54% of Republicans claim the sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore are "probably" false. An additional 28% of Republicans say they are "definitely" false.
Early exit poll shows that 54% of Republicans claim the sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore are "probably" false. An additional 28% of Republicans say they are "definitely" false.
You do realize that you are saying Republicans in Alabama are ignorant. Right?
Early exit poll shows that 54% of Republicans claim the sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore are "probably" false. An additional 28% of Republicans say they are "definitely" false.
These people are morally corrupt and live in a self-imposed state of delusion, hth.
Early exit poll shows that 54% of Republicans claim the sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore are "probably" false. An additional 28% of Republicans say they are "definitely" false.
When progressive ideals are beaten by borderline pedo's.
Next on Maury.
Also, if Obummer robocalls were targeted to black neighborhoods, they might have helped.
A republican is going to win a senate seat in a state that would probably vote for slavery to come back if they were allowed, shocker.
The entire campaign is based on morality.