So, this is a weird post from me. Weirder than usual. Four or five years ago I used to make fun of all the TBSers here. Lots. Anyone who was here back then knows this. I hated hips and thought the whole thing was for the most part gross and dumb. Shower or fridge was not only something funny to say, but also cutting derision at anyone who lived for what 17 year old (or 14 for Coker) boys might do. I made fun of Doogman losers, and even ripped on the people here who got into it, including my gay life partner
@dnc . I wanted the TBS board to die.

Fast forward a couple of years. Something strange happened…I noticed I would read the rumors and speculation and actually think about it for a second, instead of just ass blasting whoever wrote it with a snarky “go suck an underage dick” comment or whatever. I’d try to think what our depth chart might look like with some uber bad ass 17 year old. I actually watched a HUDL or two, and while I had no idea what the fuck I was looking for, it wasn’t as gay as I thought it might be. Don’t get me wrong, it was gay, just not super gay.

Hell, it was only 3 or so years ago I created
@SpiritHorse, first as mostly a joke, but then to sort of get into making calls on elite kids that were TUFF reads. He’s 5-0 for those that don’t know. Thanks mescaline. You really had my back.

This cycle I have been totally into it. Actually asking question, tracking it, and getting pissed off when we fuck up. I’m basically completely gay now. I’ve been wondering how I went from being an avowed TBS hater just five short years ago, and now, this year, I have fully evolved into someone who tracks it, and likes it.

So here’s the deal. The reason I have warmed up to it is simple -
@Dennis_DeYoung and
@CokeGreaterThanPepsi . I was on Doogfarm in the early 2000’s. Those clowns turned me off to TBS immediately. Everything was a thrice hedged guess, none of it was ever true, and the cloak and dagger “sources” stuff invariably turned out to be bullshit – almost every single time. Also, has there ever been a UW commit those retards don’t love? No matter how shitty they are, you’d think they were all 5 stars if they commit. The whole thing reeked of bullshit, from top to bottom. It sucked. I tuned it out at first, then began to actively loathe it by 2010.

So back to Dennis and Coker. I am pretty sparing with compliments, so hopefully these two queers don’t get the big head, but they make this shit fun. More importantly, they make it REAL. There are pulling a nickel in San Quentin pipe hitting mother fuckers, and there are total bag of dicks that shouldn’t even be a walk on types. And they call it like they see it. They tell you how they arrive at their conclusions, what their sources are, and why they think what they think. They also don’t hedge all the fucking time. Oh yeah, and they are actually correct about 81% of the time. Well, they catch way more than they drop at least. Refreshing. And the fact that they do it with humor just adds to the effect. Am I being too effusive?

Enough sucking these fags off. They do a good job, and they have slowly brought me over to the dark side. I still don’t know much about hips, and I can’t pick a high DDY2 from a low one, but I tune in now, and could not have given less of a fuck five years ago. So thanks you dickheads. I feel like I went to teen boy stocking rehab or some shit, and you gays were my guides. Keep it up. I need this now. Like crack.
A) Following a 15-18 year old who isn't related to you on Twatter is hella creepy, unless you're a bitter, miserable fat fuck like Fatters and it's your which case it's still pretty creepy
C) The people who are like, "Whoa have you seen this kid on Hudl??!! He's so sick!! He's gonna rush for 1,500 yards next year" can fuck off and DIAFF
I just want a place where I can unabashedly TBS, and this place is it. I love that everyone throws out their opinions here. I hate everything there is about recruiting from the sites that UW has, no one offers actual opinions because no one wants to be wrong or criticize anything for fear of losing access or some shit.
I fuckin hate it, and I love that pretty much everyone here that is involved will say what they think, that’s all I want out of it. If we are wrong or someone else is wrong than so be it. But the day no one actually offers an opinion is the day I will die.
Shoutout to all the people that have started stalking twitter with us too, it’s been fun to see over the past few years.
I stopped paying attention during the Ty years.
These days it matters more than ever because we have a great coach. If we get great talent we can level up. If we don’t we won’t.
Most of the time it didn’t matter, but it matters a lot now.
And I’m gay.
I hear you Swaye. Our resident TBS dudes have made me appreciate the creepy as fuck past time as well. But more from a macroeconomic standpoint from my perspective- e.g., we know we need to get to 40 + blue chips "in progress" on the roster to have a realistic shot at a NT and a class like this goes a long way towards achieving that goal.
tl;dr condoms are for fags
Wait. I think gays love cloistering, or clustering, too. But how do I know that?
Fuck! I need some more Gay Away over here!