Government doesn’t pick winners and losers in a free market. Obama certainly tried but, backed the wrong innovator.
Coal and I had a laugh right there Mr. Trump cockgobbler.
You're such a fucking hypocrite asshole. Fuck off, doogie.
There is a whole lot of stupid in this comment, and that's before flea's little man disease kicked in.
Go wash the Trump jizz off your face and haul your ass to the 7-11 ,Sally.
Stuck a nerve with the half-man's disease comment, eh? Go figure.
There is a huge difference between determining regulations on an industry independent of whatever companies are in that market (your comment on coal), and the govt going in and picking certain specific companies (mainly by their $$ donation to the campaign) and giving them billions of actual govt $$$, of which a vast majority wasted on absolutely stupid stuff (the Green Energy Mess).
If you don't understand that difference you are entering HondoFS territory...
He's just sore about me plowing his mom.
Christmas is the worst though. I am going to Mexico instead of seeing family.
And some good grub, Not much hate dare if ya axe mi.
@Sledog is not a man.
There is a huge difference between determining regulations on an industry independent of whatever companies are in that market (your comment on coal), and the govt going in and picking certain specific companies (mainly by their $$ donation to the campaign) and giving them billions of actual govt $$$, of which a vast majority wasted on absolutely stupid stuff (the Green Energy Mess).
If you don't understand that difference you are entering HondoFS territory...