Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
you guys keep losing your shit over 2020 and 2021 classes, implying they're at a different level. I lack the mental capacity to actually investigate this on my own so I'll take your word for it.
Do you guys think this is an anomaly? or a new reality for the region?
Looking at the timeline, the Pete Carroll era started 2010 when these kids were 7/8, superbowl when they were 10/11. combine that with Sonics exit, does it make sense to assume the excitement has steered the rare humans towards football exclusively and we're starting to see that build up?
We know Romar built a program on the back of the recruiting/talent swell post the mid 90s Sonics run, maybe we're starting to see that with football?
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Chinese kids are very competitive in school and now that they are being exposed to the pac12 football it is becoming as big to be in the NBA or NFL as a doctor. They haven't broken through yet but there increased commpetiviity has pushed the current top athletes over the top. check out Min Chung at Glacier Peak Middle school next year. 2027 will be special.