(1) Main bored (Hardcore Husky Bored) (2) Teen Boi Stocking Bored (3) Tug Tavern (keep that shit in its own special ghetto - or just euthanize it) (4) Pro Sportz Bored (BC NOC - also euthanization candidate) (5) Higher Level Discussion Wigwam
The topics suggest themselves. Main bored is everything college sports related but 80-90% UW because that is the population here. Teen Bois - teen bois. Tug because nobody got time for that and Pro crap because crap.
(1) Main bored (Hardcore Husky Bored) (2) Teen Boi Stocking Bored (3) Tug Tavern (keep that shit in its own special ghetto - or just euthanize it) (4) Pro Sportz Bored (BC NOC - also euthanization candidate) (5) Higher Level Discussion Wigwam
The topics suggest themselves. Main bored is everything college sports related but 80-90% UW because that is the population here. Teen Bois - teen bois. Tug because nobody got time for that and Pro crap because crap.
My time spent getting my Hobby bored TCU MBA suggests this is probably close to optimal. Dead boreds subtract from the feel of the site. Better to have a few more consolidated boreds that aren't as organized than have a bunch of organized dead ones.
(1) Main bored (Hardcore Husky Bored) (2) Teen Boi Stocking Bored (3) Tug Tavern (keep that shit in its own special ghetto - or just euthanize it) (4) Pro Sportz Bored (BC NOC - also euthanization candidate) (5) Higher Level Discussion Wigwam
Agree for the most part. I think 5 is the perfect amount.
College Football Bored Recruiting Bored Tug Tavern All Other Sports (college basketball, pro football, etc) Wigwam (I don't know what that is because I'm poor).
I just noticed I forgot to delete what I was originally going to post, so there it is hovering at the top of my post...a glimpse into the mind of Fenderbender123.
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And why hasn't AZDuck's game thread been moved to the correct board yet?
The timing of this question seems to suggest the mods are tired of moving incorrectly placed game threads.
(1) Main bored (Hardcore Husky Bored)
(2) Teen Boi Stocking Bored
(3) Tug Tavern (keep that shit in its own special ghetto - or just euthanize it)
(4) Pro Sportz Bored (BC NOC - also euthanization candidate)
(5) Higher Level Discussion Wigwam
The topics suggest themselves. Main bored is everything college sports related but 80-90% UW because that is the population here. Teen Bois - teen bois. Tug because nobody got time for that and Pro crap because crap.
College Football Bored
Recruiting Bored
Tug Tavern
All Other Sports (college basketball, pro football, etc)
Wigwam (I don't know what that is because I'm poor).