The philosophy of socialism should be killed. It has a long track record of failure.
And free market capitalism has a long record of success?
Yes Comrade Hondo. Much longer than any socialist, commie shit hole. Pleeze to poont out commie suckcess stories?
Since you are awful at history. There's been no long term successful free market or communism. Hence why we live in a regulated free market with some socialism sprinkled in.
Yes the left pining for communism/socialism (same shit) to make another try. 100 million people dead. They'll kill you and me. Starving millions to death and working people to death in camps is always special. Of course just torturing and shooting them is the national pastime.
Free markets work, with reasonable regulation. Social democracy works, if there's democracy (sorry Venezuela and Cuba, you don't qualify).
Capitalism suffers from the same ideological flaw as Communism, in that both presuppose that economic activity is the only relevant determinant of human action.
Yes the left pining for communism/socialism (same shit) to make another try. 100 million people dead. They'll kill you and me. Starving millions to death and working people to death in camps is always special. Of course just torturing and shooting them is the national pastime.
Venezuela is kicking ass! Maybe you should move?
Yes the party of social security, food stamps, free housing and shit. Is the party that wants to kill a bunch of people and leave them starving.
Free markets work, with reasonable regulation. Social democracy works, if there's democracy (sorry Venezuela and Cuba, you don't qualify).
Capitalism suffers from the same ideological flaw as Communism, in that both presuppose that economic activity is the only relevant determinant of human action.
Capitalism needs minor control.
Socialism and communism need total control and a dictator and force to maintain.
Democratic socialism just requires an IQ below refrigerator temperature and a slow painful death spiral into equal misery.
Put it this way Hondo, nothing is stopping you from giving to each the fries according to their need. Pluralism and diversity and shit. Charging a profitable price for those fries is illegal in your preferred systems.
Free markets work, with reasonable regulation. Social democracy works, if there's democracy (sorry Venezuela and Cuba, you don't qualify).
Capitalism suffers from the same ideological flaw as Communism, in that both presuppose that economic activity is the only relevant determinant of human action.
Capitalism needs minor control.
Socialism and communism need total control and a dictator and force to maintain.
Democratic socialism just requires an IQ below refrigerator temperature and a slow painful death spiral into equal misery.
The trendy new name for American socialism/communism in the 21st century. Same bowl of dog shit, different perfume used to mask the stench. Sad that so many retards support it in the US. Primarily millennials who seem to like restricted freedom of speech and free crap that someone else has to pay for. Most of them have never been to a socialist/communist country, and I would wager half of them couldn't find even most of these countries on a map. They should spend a year in one or more of these countries to see what the future holds for the US under a fist clenching, piece of shit banana republic leader like Bernie Sanders, and the bankrupt ideas he stole from dead communists.
Put it this way Hondo, nothing is stopping you from giving to each the fries according to their need. Pluralism and diversity and shit. Charging a profitable price for those fries is illegal in your preferred systems.
It's clear you don't get it. Free market brought us market collapses, financial disasters, and Rivers on fire and shit. Socialism and communism is fucked up too. I know you want to paint things as black and white. But our country runs best when the a mix of free market and regulation so corporations don't rape and pillage everything.
That was easy
Venezuela is kicking ass! Maybe you should move?
Capitalism suffers from the same ideological flaw as Communism, in that both presuppose that economic activity is the only relevant determinant of human action.
Socialism and communism need total control and a dictator and force to maintain.
Democratic socialism just requires an IQ below refrigerator temperature and a slow painful death spiral into equal misery.