"We are one American family." DJT Monday, August 28, 2017
Have you heard about Texas??!!1
Why do you hate America in our hour of need with this divisive crap??!!1
OUR? President is standing behind America!1!
Only thing shameful is that the destruction hit Texas and not San Francisco.
What part of "one american family" do you not understand!
Why do you hate president Trump?
Way to deflect from the issue, fucktard. You're one of the nutcases that support this sort of shit. Make your case. I'm listening. Why should people go to jail for speech?
California is so crazy that they need a new definition for the word.
The left is fascist, plain and simple. They are the ones attacking free speech, any protester of an opposing view is now physically assaulted by their paid communist Antifa pansy squad or their paid racists BLM. When Americans get fed up with these bullies really bad things will happen to them. As CCC sang "I see a bad moon rising".
Monday, August 28, 2017
Have you heard about Texas??!!1
Why do you hate America in our hour of need with this divisive crap??!!1
OUR? President is standing behind America!1!
Why do you hate president Trump?
The left is fascist, plain and simple. They are the ones attacking free speech, any protester of an opposing view is now physically assaulted by their paid communist Antifa pansy squad or their paid racists BLM. When Americans get fed up with these bullies really bad things will happen to them. As CCC sang "I see a bad moon rising".
Most folks here just want to get to work and back and enjoy another day in paradise
But still - I was talking about the people man