SALT LAKE CITY — Utah coach Kyle Whittingham broke out in a grin when asked if starting strong safety Chase Hansen was sidelined because of disciplinary reasons.
“Chase Hansen? No,” Whittingham said. “He’s the guy I want to date my daughter.”
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
Hii ni nini kinachotokea unapowaacha watoto wa mafuta katika shule kwenye kikundi kikubwa cha jamii kwa sababu yeye ni mzuri katika soka. Alikuwa na marafiki, utoaji wa elimu, na msichana asiye na mafuta na wanapaswa kuwa wameshukuru nyota zake za bahati; Lakini hapana, daima wanataka yote ambayo ni pamoja na kupata pussy baadhi kama rafiki yake skinny kufanya.
Yeye na mpenzi wake hakuwahi kufanya hivyo kabla hata ingawa alitaka sana. Yeye daima kumwambia yeye hakuwa tayari lakini bado alijua ni kwa sababu yeye ni mafuta. Ilikuwa ni usiku wake wa usiku na baada ya kuhitimu, kuendelea na chuo kikuu, na kumruhusu nyuma na dick yake bado ikauka kama Mwandamizi. Huu ndio fursa yake ya mwisho na alipopomwona alipokuwa amelawa, akaichukua (literally).
Bila kusema wakati aliamka nje ya kunywa kwake kwa kunywa na hymen iliyovunjika na pussy ya damu aliogopa. Alijitakasa kimya kimya na akajitenga mwenyewe nyumbani na aibu kumwambia yeyote kilichotokea. Baada ya hapo ilikuwa juu kati yao. Yeye hakutarudia simu au maandiko. Alipotambua kile alichokifanya na kwa nini hakuwa akijibu alikuwa na pua kubwa katika koo lake na alitumaini kwamba wote wangepiga pande zote na hawa wawili wasiongea tena.
Lakini baada ya wiki kadhaa hakuweza tena kuingia kwenye siri hii tena akamwambia rafiki ambaye alimshawishi kuwaambia wazazi wake ambao walimshawishi kuzungumza na polisi na mashtaka ya faili. Mara baada ya neno kurudi kwa Marco kutoka kwa marafiki wa kirafiki wa wao kwamba alikuwa amewaambia wazazi wake nini kilichotokea yeye hofu na aliamua kuchukua upendeleo wake bora ya utoaji badala ya kusubiri inatoa kutoka Oregon na Washington kujua kwamba kama shit hit shabiki yeye Ingekuwa na utoaji wa udhamini wa sifuri. Wazazi wake hawakujua kwa nini aliamua kufanya na kumaliza ajira yake wakati alipanga kupanga kambi katika UW na Oregon lakini mtoto wao alitaka kwenda UCLA hivyo hakuwa na maana kwa nini; Walikuwa wakiwa na msisimko kwa ajili yake na wanajivunia yeye.
Vizuri Marco, inaonekana kama shit hit shabiki. Wewe umepata na sasa unapaswa kukabiliana na matokeo. Mimi bet wewe ulianza kulia kama bitch mara baada ya polisi kugonga mlango wako.
Hii ni nini kinachotokea unapowaacha watoto wa mafuta katika shule kwenye kikundi kikubwa cha jamii kwa sababu yeye ni mzuri katika soka. Alikuwa na marafiki, utoaji wa elimu, na msichana asiye na mafuta na wanapaswa kuwa wameshukuru nyota zake za bahati; Lakini hapana, daima wanataka yote ambayo ni pamoja na kupata pussy baadhi kama rafiki yake skinny kufanya.
Yeye na mpenzi wake hakuwahi kufanya hivyo kabla hata ingawa alitaka sana. Yeye daima kumwambia yeye hakuwa tayari lakini bado alijua ni kwa sababu yeye ni mafuta. Ilikuwa ni usiku wake wa usiku na baada ya kuhitimu, kuendelea na chuo kikuu, na kumruhusu nyuma na dick yake bado ikauka kama Mwandamizi. Huu ndio fursa yake ya mwisho na alipopomwona alipokuwa amelawa, akaichukua (literally).
Bila kusema wakati aliamka nje ya kunywa kwake kwa kunywa na hymen iliyovunjika na pussy ya damu aliogopa. Alijitakasa kimya kimya na akajitenga mwenyewe nyumbani na aibu kumwambia yeyote kilichotokea. Baada ya hapo ilikuwa juu kati yao. Yeye hakutarudia simu au maandiko. Alipotambua kile alichokifanya na kwa nini hakuwa akijibu alikuwa na pua kubwa katika koo lake na alitumaini kwamba wote wangepiga pande zote na hawa wawili wasiongea tena.
Lakini baada ya wiki kadhaa hakuweza tena kuingia kwenye siri hii tena akamwambia rafiki ambaye alimshawishi kuwaambia wazazi wake ambao walimshawishi kuzungumza na polisi na mashtaka ya faili. Mara baada ya neno kurudi kwa Marco kutoka kwa marafiki wa kirafiki wa wao kwamba alikuwa amewaambia wazazi wake nini kilichotokea yeye hofu na aliamua kuchukua upendeleo wake bora ya utoaji badala ya kusubiri inatoa kutoka Oregon na Washington kujua kwamba kama shit hit shabiki yeye Ingekuwa na utoaji wa udhamini wa sifuri. Wazazi wake hawakujua kwa nini aliamua kufanya na kumaliza ajira yake wakati alipanga kupanga kambi katika UW na Oregon lakini mtoto wao alitaka kwenda UCLA hivyo hakuwa na maana kwa nini; Walikuwa wakiwa na msisimko kwa ajili yake na wanajivunia yeye.
Vizuri Marco, inaonekana kama shit hit shabiki. Wewe umepata na sasa unapaswa kukabiliana na matokeo. Mimi bet wewe ulianza kulia kama bitch mara baada ya polisi kugonga mlango wako.
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
I came
I really didn't want to even upvote this... but I'm still chuckling...
This is what happens when you let one of the fat kids in school into a higher social group because he's good at football. He had the friends, the scholarship offers, and the non-fat girlfriend and should have just been thanking his lucky stars; but no, they always want it all which includes getting some pussy like his skinny friends do.
He and his girlfriend had never done it before even though he desperately wanted to. She would always tell him she just wasn't ready yet but he knew it was because he's fat. It was her prom night and soon after she would graduate, move on to college, and leave him behind with his dick still dry as a Senior to be. This was his last opportunity and when he saw her passed out drunk he took it (literally).
Needless to say when she woke up out of her drunken stooper with a broken hymen and a bloody pussy she was horrified. She quietly cleaned herself up and drove herself home too embarrassed to tell anybody what happened. After that it was over between them. She wouldn't return his calls or texts. When he realized what he had done and why she wasn't responding he got a huge lump in his throat and hoped it would all just blow over with the two of them never talking again.
But after a couple of weeks she couldn't hold onto this secret anymore so she told a friend who convinced her to tell her parents who convinced her to talk to the police and file charges. As soon as word got back to Marco from a mutual friend of their's that she had told her parents what happened he panicked and decided to snatch up his best scholarship offer instead of waiting for offers from Oregon and Washington knowing that if shit hit the fan he would have zero scholarship offers. His parents had no idea why he decided to commit and shut down his recruitment when he had plans to camp at UW and Oregon but their son wanted to go to UCLA so it didn't really matter why; they were just excited for him and proud of him.
Well Marco, looks like shit hit the fan. You fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences. I bet you started crying like a bitch as soon as the police knocked on your door.
I came
I really didn't want to even upvote this... but I'm still chuckling...
Classics IMO
what a wonderful phrase
kutomba mbali
aint no passing craze
it means no worries
for the rest of your days
it's our problem free
kutomba mbali