Over on the other site, Aandy claimed from one of his sources that Romar approached Jen about an extension.
If that is even 1% true, and I'm the AD:
A) Call up the Oscars and get my academy award for keeping a straight face as he's asking for it.
At the end of the meeting, tell him I will think about it, then go in front of a mirror to make sure the words "I'm a dumb fuck" aren't on my forehead
C) Wait until the season is officially "over" which is today and proceed with the buy-out package the second I walked into the office.
They also believe changes will be made in the next 24-48 hours if it's not Romar. Supposedly, Conroy and Porter (duh) are safe and it's Jackson and Chillious that will be the fall guys.
That would be the equal of the CEO walking into the board of directors meeting and telling them the reason sales are down 30% over the last six years is the cleaning janitors at night??
What does Chillios put for reason for termination on his next job application? Didn't play for former coach (Conroy), didn't have chilldren who are/potentially will be top 5 high school b-ball players in the nation (Porter)
If you win 2 games with the #1 overall pick, how the fuck is porter going to help?
But this time he'll be different. Battered Fan Syndrome