He probably shouldn't say stuff like that. But my god the knee-jerk reactions are real. He's just the media's flavor of the week, though. He's said many "offensive" things before and has always bounced back.
Definitely knee jerk reactions, he's a known provocateur, but he went too far this time, he dove head long into the abhorrent. When he did that, he lost his only support. His mea culpa/explanation on facebook might help a little with his supporters, but in my opinion it will take him a long time to recover from this, if he ever does. He's not just a flavor of the week to the "main stream" media, he's their worst nightmare. A jewish gay man with a black boyfriend who disagrees with them on virtually every level, constantly pokes them in the eye over their SJW bullying tactics and routinely calls them out for selective and dishonest representation. The media (the left in general) have him collared and have no intention of letting him loose, not now, not ever. The left simply cannot allow him to exist, and they won't, regardless of truth or circumstance, they will use every form of media under their control to destroy him, and if he shows any signs of life, they will double down on their efforts and paint him and any potential supporters as pedophiles in addition to the ridiculously long list of made up "phobes". Same as it ever was, except now he has no support to balance the attacks. In my opinion, he's in trouble this time.
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Didn't Milo admit to being a victim of this? I thought we decided that victims of rape can say and do whatever they want and we have no right to judge?
No. He claims he was the predator.
Why am I getting downvoted here?
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
So yeah, how about what George Takei said? Anyone offended by that? I'm not offended by either, because I have no experience being in the situation they've been in, and therefore have no idea what all goes into influencing someone to make these remarks. I listen to their remarks with a thoughtful and open mind, which is what more people should be doing instead of crying foul.
Perhaps it's important for them to not feel like a victim due to the negative association people have with victims of sexual abuse...especially as a man. Or perhaps they can remember vividly what it was like being in those moments, and can honestly say they don't feel like they were abused or taken advantage of. And to think that there are any exceptions to the fact that everything that happens has positive and negative consequences is absurd. Everything has at least some silver linings, and nobody should ever feel bad about discussing them.
But either way, you can't say Milo said something "bad' and George didn't, or vice versa. From what I'm seeing, most of the negative focus is on Milo right now, which tells me this is all just political bullshit, and that nobody is actually offended by what Milo said. Not surprising at all.
So yeah, how about what George Takei said? Anyone offended by that? I'm not offended by either, because I have no experience being in the situation they've been in, and therefore have no idea what all goes into influencing someone to make these remarks. I listen to their remarks with a thoughtful and open mind, which is what more people should be doing instead of crying foul.
Perhaps it's important for them to not feel like a victim due to the negative association people have with victims of sexual abuse...especially as a man. Or perhaps they can remember vividly what it was like being in those moments, and can honestly say they don't feel like they were abused or taken advantage of. And to think that there are any exceptions to the fact that everything that happens has positive and negative consequences is absurd.
But either way, you can't say Milo said something "bad' and George didn't, or vice versa. From what I'm seeing, most of the negative focus is on Milo right now, which tells me this is all just political bullshit, and that nobody is actually offended by what Milo said. Not surprising at all.
RaceaFact says Hillary was treated unfairly on this. She said super predators and that was an accurate description of who she was talking about. Injecting race into it is a lefty trick and we are better than that.
It's like calling someone racist for wanting to get rid of welfare
RaceaFact says Hillary was treated unfairly on this. She said super predators and that was an accurate description of who she was talking about. Injecting race into it is a lefty trick and we are better than that.
It's like calling someone racist for wanting to get rid of welfare
Lots of shooting the messenger stuff on this thread. Milo's a douche who happens to make unassailable points from time to time, and IDGAF whether he was molested or was the predator. It's pretty clear in his mind that he's no victim. In his view the Priest was his Mrs. Robinson, as sick and twisted as that may seem. I seriously doubt anyone expressing outrage and judgment in this thread gives an actual fuck about his possible experience with pedophilia, but solely uses it as a club to beat him with because they despise his opinions.
As someone who likes to help teen girls discover who they are sexually I fail to see the outrage here
Lot of victim shaming going on here. I think its time to find a more liberal bored. Too many uptight cons here
He literally bragged about being "the predator" to Joe Rogan:
Skip to 4min 25sec "I was the predator"
Don't shoot the messenger.
The perfect punishment for Milo would be sentencing him to fuck Lena Dunham, whom he holds deeply in contempt, but may in fact be his alter ego.
Monday morning Nostradamus'ing.
That's what you need me for.
Perhaps it's important for them to not feel like a victim due to the negative association people have with victims of sexual abuse...especially as a man. Or perhaps they can remember vividly what it was like being in those moments, and can honestly say they don't feel like they were abused or taken advantage of. And to think that there are any exceptions to the fact that everything that happens has positive and negative consequences is absurd. Everything has at least some silver linings, and nobody should ever feel bad about discussing them.
But either way, you can't say Milo said something "bad' and George didn't, or vice versa. From what I'm seeing, most of the negative focus is on Milo right now, which tells me this is all just political bullshit, and that nobody is actually offended by what Milo said. Not surprising at all.
It's like calling someone racist for wanting to get rid of welfare
Hatred of Milo>Milo's pedo history.
Turns out Maher defended Mary Kay and her 12 year old boy toy on his old politically incorrect show and the tape is now out