Eighty-seven percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are not affected by President Donald Trump’s Friday decision to temporarily withhold visas from citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries.
Eighty-seven percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are not affected by President Donald Trump’s Friday decision to temporarily withhold visas from citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries.
Eighty-seven percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are not affected by President Donald Trump’s Friday decision to temporarily withhold visas from citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries.
Eighty-seven percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are not affected by President Donald Trump’s Friday decision to temporarily withhold visas from citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries.
Simply directing heat at the frightened snowflakes in this thread by confirming the original title with fact 87% of global muslims remain uneffected by Trumps temporary ban.
Simply directing heat at the frightened snowflakes in this thread by confirming the original title with fact 87% of global muslims remain uneffected by Trumps temporary ban.
The executive order, which did nothing but extend and enforce previous Obama policy, was an effective Trump Trigger to draw the paid snowflakes out into the sunlight and shoot their collective wad.
Meanwhile, little has been focused on Trump filing paperwork about his intent to run in 2020 which eliminates Soros traditional fundraising efforts channeling contributions to PAC's and non-profits.
Snowflakes are stoking up their bonfires with nobody asking how they're going to refuel.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Meanwhile, little has been focused on Trump filing paperwork about his intent to run in 2020 which eliminates Soros traditional fundraising efforts channeling contributions to PAC's and non-profits.
Snowflakes are stoking up their bonfires with nobody asking how they're going to refuel.