The Theology of Islam- i.e, text of the Quran and Hadith, Kill the Infadels, etc, etc
The towel head 'religion' is incompatible with western societies. Some of you fucktards don't even know that it isn't a religion at all, but a political system. While you faggots are crying crocodile tears over the poor little drowned Syrian boy (who was probably drowned by the Muslims as a propaganda tool), the seeds of sharia law have already begun to sprout in Europe. The raghead mayor of London banned ads of women in bikinis, panties and bras on the Tube. "Body shaming" he calls it. That is how it starts. The Europeans are pussies. They take that shit and do nothing about it.
The towel head 'religion' is incompatible with western societies. Some of you fucktards don't even know that it isn't a religion at all, but a political system. While you faggots are crying crocodile tears over the poor little drowned Syrian boy (who was probably drowned by the Muslims as a propaganda tool), the seeds of sharia law have already begun to sprout in Europe. The raghead mayor of London banned ads of women in bikinis, panties and bras on the Tube. "Body shaming" he calls it. That is how it starts. The Europeans are pussies. They take that shit and do nothing about it.
The towel head 'religion' is incompatible with western societies. Some of you fucktards don't even know that it isn't a religion at all, but a political system. While you faggots are crying crocodile tears over the poor little drowned Syrian boy (who was probably drowned by the Muslims as a propaganda tool), the seeds of sharia law have already begun to sprout in Europe. The raghead mayor of London banned ads of women in bikinis, panties and bras on the Tube. "Body shaming" he calls it. That is how it starts. The Europeans are pussies. They take that shit and do nothing about it.
europe's vetting process is tissue paper. ours is strict as fuck. along with the fact that we are and have always been far superior at assimilation. those who use europe to support their demagoguery don't acknowledge either of these two things
The towel head 'religion' is incompatible with western societies. Some of you fucktards don't even know that it isn't a religion at all, but a political system. While you faggots are crying crocodile tears over the poor little drowned Syrian boy (who was probably drowned by the Muslims as a propaganda tool), the seeds of sharia law have already begun to sprout in Europe. The raghead mayor of London banned ads of women in bikinis, panties and bras on the Tube. "Body shaming" he calls it. That is how it starts. The Europeans are pussies. They take that shit and do nothing about it.
europe's vetting process is tissue paper. ours is strict as fuck. along with the fact that we are and have always been far superior at assimilation. those who use europe to support their demagoguery don't acknowledge either of these two things
We aren't allowed to go to Saudi Arabia and some other Islamic countries. We are forbidden to enter Mecca as infidels. Why the fuck should we let them travel to or emigrate here? It isn't demagoguery to forbid citizens of other countries from coming here. They aren't citizens of the US and have no right to be here if we say they don't.
The towel head 'religion' is incompatible with western societies. Some of you fucktards don't even know that it isn't a religion at all, but a political system. While you faggots are crying crocodile tears over the poor little drowned Syrian boy (who was probably drowned by the Muslims as a propaganda tool), the seeds of sharia law have already begun to sprout in Europe. The raghead mayor of London banned ads of women in bikinis, panties and bras on the Tube. "Body shaming" he calls it. That is how it starts. The Europeans are pussies. They take that shit and do nothing about it.
europe's vetting process is tissue paper. ours is strict as fuck. along with the fact that we are and have always been far superior at assimilation. those who use europe to support their demagoguery don't acknowledge either of these two things
We aren't allowed to go to Saudi Arabia and some other Islamic countries. We are forbidden to enter Mecca as infidels. Why the fuck should we let them travel to or emigrate here? It isn't demagoguery to forbid citizens of other countries from coming here. They aren't citizens of the US and have no right to be here if we say they don't.
those who use europe to support their demagoguery don't acknowledge either of these two things
I would be beheading people and committing terrorist attacks too