The headline is click-bait, but that's not what I consider the bad part, which is that this woman sounds like she's never been within 5 miles of another race, but craves it, badly.
The headline is click-bait, but that's not what I consider the bad part, which is that this woman sounds like she's never been within 5 miles of another race, but craves it, badly.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
Why let your kids think for themselves when you can teach them alternative facts.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
Why let your kids think for themselves when you can teach them alternative facts.
I aspire to more for my kids than full-time protesting, blocking traffic with die-ins and acting like fascist brown-shirts trying to silence any opinions they don't agree with.
@Southerndawg: How would this video be received down South? By anyone, of any color? I'm guessing "pandering" or "obtuse" or "are you fucking serious(?)" would be heard.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
Why let your kids think for themselves when you can teach them alternative facts.
I aspire to more for my kids than full-time protesting, blocking traffic with die-ins and acting like fascist brown-shirts trying to silence any opinions they don't agree with.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
Why let your kids think for themselves when you can teach them alternative facts.
I aspire to more for my kids than full-time protesting, blocking traffic with die-ins and acting like fascist brown-shirts trying to silence any opinions they don't agree with.
@Southerndawg: How would this video be received down South? By anyone, of any color? I'm guessing "pandering" or "obtuse" or "are you fucking serious(?)" would be heard.
I suppose it depends on where, you really can't paint "the South" with such a broad brush. Atlanta is different from Miami, while Key West is, well, Key West. Austin is different from Dallas, Charlotte is different from Columbia, and Charleston, and so on. I live in a purple state, there are opposing political views here but people manage to get along just fine as most are not on the fringes. Seattle was more like that years ago, but Puget Sound has lost any diversity it once had in political views. It is now politically homogeneous, left to very left of center, and highly intolerant of any who disagree with left wing thinking.
In general people down here are more sensible than they are in solidly "blue states", so it's fair to assume, as you're implying, that her remarks would not generally be well received down South. But don't forget that Al Gore, Debbie Wasserman-Shulz, James Carville, Donna Brazile, and many other ardent democrats are all southern. There are plenty of wing dings to go around.
I've heard pieces of it and it is as patronizing and offensive as a Klan meeting
A quintessential patronizing, condescending brainwashed liberal graduate most Western universities would be proud to call their own. And reason # 755 why no child of mine is going to a West Coast university. Not even UW.
Why let your kids think for themselves when you can teach them alternative facts.
I aspire to more for my kids than full-time protesting, blocking traffic with die-ins and acting like fascist brown-shirts trying to silence any opinions they don't agree with.
The headline is click-bait, but that's not what I consider the bad part, which is that this woman sounds like she's never been within 5 miles of another race, but craves it, badly.
The headline is click-bait, but that's not what I consider the bad part, which is that this woman sounds like she's never been within 5 miles of another race, but craves it, badly.
Grandma was born in 1903. She stuck with slow, thick and nervous, which captured most everyone she pitied.
In general people down here are more sensible than they are in solidly "blue states", so it's fair to assume, as you're implying, that her remarks would not generally be well received down South. But don't forget that Al Gore, Debbie Wasserman-Shulz, James Carville, Donna Brazile, and many other ardent democrats are all southern. There are plenty of wing dings to go around.