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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

A private message for Tequilla (short)

Close race, you want to take the gloves ? You have to get down to a game you pee ? Let's do it. Let's roll .

I'm getting tired of your hatred, negativity, under the bus and throwing people .

Frankly , race, I'm very, very happy , I do not know you . I am glad that I do not lead to what appears to be such a pathetic life is facing find the negative in all cases . You need to find a smile . Last time I checked , it is summer . Seattle weather seems to be pretty good, now - why do not you check it out.

You're damn wrong thing. You might think that a lot of the time, constantly spewing your opinion, you have now heard enough time , you are correct . Does not make you right .

You talk about like a blue sky took place 12-47 . I've never seen , you had suggested during the fall , before the start of the program to Daai Olmert .

The fact that you want to do ? You want the truth? Here is your truth.

Emmert came to the University of Washington before the glorious 1-10 Gilby next season . The previous year ( 2003 ) Gilby enough for us to 6-6 , but the crash , including in California , we gave up 700 yards ( or thereabouts ) . This is a team of indifference , almost mediocre at best . We lost our last eight , including blowout of California , UCLA 's blowout, and the family lost Nevada. Yes, the plan is a step in the right direction.

2002 season was another 925 next season slick example , the most remembered "Northwest Championship ." This is great . However, entry "Northwest champion the fact that " we are a 4-5 football team, is pretty much a joke 1-4 in the conference Tibet . In 2002 and 2003 , we finished the season 4-4 conference record.

These are not very good team . This trend toward the downhill .

Emmert plate and immediately get sadled Gilby 1-10 fiasco.

Emmert before coming on board , Babs jumped ship after decades of mismanagement , including allowing the stadium began erosion process .

Throughout 2003 , we are faced with slick leave, subsequent litigation ( Ci ) , Dr. feel good , and the overall chaos and softball programs and Teresa Wilson .

Now, remember the following points : the first occurred in the University of Washington as president of the Qieaimote anywhere near .

Things are not in great shape . I think that almost everyone knows .

Replace the formation of a search committee Babs . BOR, on campus , and a big supporter of the school donations on their face appear eggs sick . Babs Run Country Club, they get sick and loose the way she ran the department - especially in light of what slick . They want someone serious, proper , they can count on not tarnish the university 's name. Enter Todd Turner .

Now, it almost makes you Emmert was hired as points . He must sign the hiring Turner ? Most likely . But whatever.

At this point, Emmert is not responsible for the football program performance in the field . Have a coach in place. It is not , Emmert football program or any other program in the athletic department 's work , supervision. This work belongs to Todd Turner . Emmert work , monitor work performance Todd Turner .

So 1-10 happen. Gilby canned Turner ( rightly so ) . Yes, planned 1-10 . But those responsible for overseeing the program of action is correct. Turner fired coach underperforming . If I Emmert 's shoes , I can not complain.

Coaching search occurred and Turner had his heart set on Tyrone spirit . This is Turner's lease . This is not Emmert rent. Of course, Emmert signed lease. This is good . Do you want to throw some blame him had the foresight to deny hire. This is good . But renting Emmert 's responsibility. This is Turner responsibilities. Turner held responsible Emmert responsibility rental ( he did it three years later, when Tyrone is not the answer is obvious ) .

Therefore, Tyrone becomes 2-91-10 years after the first year . Not great. Warning signs began , especially in some underperforming , close games. But it's the first year of the regime , really hard to get too critical .

Next year plans to go 5-7 , and there are two major events. The first major event was the loss of injured QB . I think a lot of people might say that if there had been no loss of Isaiah , we went 6-6. The second is a major event that is "Suddenly Senior " A Day unexplicable loss of Stanford 's most ruthless man had never seen football team. Similarly , there is no adequate fire Tyrone at this point . There are warning signs. Tyrone has ground almost to tell the next year is a year of action what needs to happen . In my opinion, at this point of his hands and feet .

The next year, we lost the game the way that can not be explained . Blow Arizona - a game , we never lost a huge loss. The most ridiculous endings I have seen a guy is open 20 yards out of the timeout Apple Cup . Blowing one pair of 21:00 to Hawaii . It is at this point is a very obvious thing , does not work. Coaching change is in order. Perhaps also for AD conversion . Coaching is blocked and complicated. Ad 's head down - this is a matter of course , due to some other issues , he has such a terrible hire coach.

Fire Tyrone after 2007 before deciding it's really hard to do a football program Emmert any controversy.

I would say that 2008 is a Tyrone back disastrously wrong . It should never happen . You want to throw 0-12 Emmert - all my . I think that if you catch Emmert reflection , real moments , he will tell you in hindsight , he should have taken action , it is not worth the Holocaust 0-12 .

Emmert threw under the bus in 2008 . It is his responsibility. 2004-2007 ? Not so much. By all means, please, please tell me , where he has the responsibility in 2004 and 2007 than the fact that his University. Please tell me what specific actions , he did destroy the program . You are not going to find them - they do not exist .

Emmert your criticism is ridiculous. Your criticism of Woodward just downright funny.

Woodward Where screwed this program ? He was only responsible for this program in the summer of 2008 a full-time role. You have to hold him to the fire during the first half of 2008 interim AD? How could he be anything , from 2004 to 2007 , he did not even participate in the athletic department is responsible ? Talk about conspiracy theories . This is probably the greatest I've ever seen one conspiracy theory .

I do not like to lose. I do not like what I saw in the past five years. It makes me sick to my stomach many times . But unlike you, I can at least take a step back and realize that the origins of this problem before , became president Mark Emmert , University of Washington .

If I spent my time as a " blind racial Bannon I ," and then I will believe that the only logical explanation for our failures have Mark Emmert and Scott Woodward .

Frankly, the advice is in my life, I have seen the most stupid one crazy stupid comments .

I do not defend " the wrong target ." There are strange being thrown Emmert way . I readily admit it. But it is not his full blame . Babs deserves blame. Gerberding worthy of blame. McCormick deserves some blame . Slick deserves some blame . Gilby deserves some blame . Turner deserves some blame . Stallone deserves some blame . I have listed the names of only three of these names have any timetable Emmert 's tenure extends to any part . This is less than half of those names .

Frankly, race, you are a world-class ass . When I hear people in Washington state people bitch and moan - you are a crystal example of why people bitch about Washington. When I heard the bitch University of Washington fans , they complain about what you represent those who complained .

In my opinion , you are not good at Washington University . You are not helping the program . You are not helping the university . You are completely selfish and flashy, selfish bastard .

You are barking up the wrong tree if you want to come after me . I am not so naive as to push my head to make my ass ignore what I saw . I do not think anyone knows I would say , I would not put bluntly .

All payments and participate in the game longer than I've been alive for you to do is give you a perception is a painful old man. Congratulations on this point.

Thank you for those of us how not to act when we are in your shoes in the 20-30 year-old young generation .


  • topdawgnctopdawgnc Member Posts: 7,838
    never gets old.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2013
    Ran it thru bad translator. 250 characters max is stupid but still funny:

    From English: Close race, you want to take the gloves ? You have to get down to a game you pee ? Let's do it. Let's roll . I'm getting tired of your hatred, negativity, under the bus and throwing people . Frankly , race, I'm very, very happy , I do not know you

    To Bulgarian: Оспорвана надпревара, искате да вземете ръкавици? Вие трябва да слязат на игра, който пее? Нека го направим. Нека roll. Аз съм се уморен от омразата си, негативност, под автобуса и хвърляне хора. Честно казано раса, аз съм много, много щастлив, аз не ви познавам

    Back to English: The disputed race, you want to take your gloves? You need to get off the game sing? Let's do it. Let's roll. I'm getting tired of his hate, negativity, and throwing people under the bus. Frankly, I'm very, very happy, I don't know you

    To Catalan: La cursa disputada, vol prendre el seu guants? Cal baixar el joc cantar? Anem a fer-ho. Anem a rodar. M'estic cansant del seu odi, negativitat i persones llançant sota el autobús. Francament, estic molt, molt content, no et conec

    Back to English: The race is contested, you want to take your gloves? You need to get off the game sing? We're going to do this. Let's roll. I'm getting tired of your hate, negativity and people throwing under the bus. Frankly, I'm very, very happy, don't you know

    To Chinese Simplified: 比赛争议、 你想要你的手套呢?你需要离开游戏唱歌吗?我们要这样做。让我们行动起来。我开始厌倦你的仇恨,消极情绪和投掷下公共汽车的人。坦白说,我非常高兴,你不知道

    Back to English: Competition disputes, your gloves do you want? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something about it. I grow tired of your hate, negativity and people thrown off the bus. Frankly, I'm very happy, you have no idea

    To Chinese Traditional: 競爭糾紛,你的手套做你想要嗎?你需要離開遊戲唱歌嗎?我們需要這樣做。讓我們做些什麼。厭倦了你的仇恨,消極情緒和投擲了公車的人長大坦率地說,很高興,你根本不知道

    Back to English: Competition, your gloves do you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something about it. Tired of your hate, negativity and threw the bus people grow up, frankly, glad that you don't know

    To Czech: Konkurence, rukavice do to chcete? Musíte se dostat ze hry zpívat? Musíme tak učinit. Dejte nám něco udělat. Unavený z nenávisti, negativismus a vyhodil autobus lidí rostou, upřímně, rád, že to nevíte

    Back to English: Competition, gloves do you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something. Tired of the hatred, negativism and fired up people grow, frankly, glad that you don't know

    To Danish: Konkurrence, handsker du ønsker det? Du har brug at komme ud af spillet til at synge? Vi har brug at gøre dette. Lad os gøre noget. Træt af had, negativitet og fyret op folk vokse, ærligt talt, glad for at du ikke kender

    Back to English: Competition gloves you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do this. Let us do something. Tired of hate, negativity and fired up people grow, frankly, glad that you do not know

    To Dutch: Concurrentie handschoenen u wilt? U moet krijgen uit het spel om te zingen? We moeten om dit te doen. Laten we iets doen. Moe van haat, negativiteit en ontslagen van mensen groeien, eerlijk gezegd, blij dat je niet weet

    Back to English: Competition gloves you want? You should get out of the game to sing? We need to do this. Let's do something. Tired of hate, negativity and dismissals of people grow, frankly, glad you don't know
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    And in case anyone is wondering what the joke is, this was a rant that Tequilla posted at Race once at HHB (RIP). Here's the original, which is even funnier now that lather, rinse, repeat has played out yet again:

    You want to take the gloves off Race? You want to get down in a pissing match? Let's do it. Let's roll.

    I'm getting completely fed up with your hate, negativity, and throwing people under the bus.

    Quite frankly Race, I'm very, VERY happy that I don't know you. I'm quite happy that I don't lead what appears to be such a pathetic life that is faced with looking for the negativity in every situation. You need to go find something to smile at. Last I checked, it's summertime. The weather in Seattle seems to be pretty damn good right now - why don't you go check that out.

    You are pretty damn wrong about things. You may think that the amount of time that you keep spewing your views that that you've now heard it enough times that you are right. Doesn't make you right.

    You talk about 12-47 like that happened out of the blue sky. I've never seen you once suggest that the process of the downfall of this program began well before Emmert arrived.

    You want facts? You want truth? Here's your truth.

    Emmert came to the UW prior to the GLORIOUS 1-10 season under Gilby. The year before that (2003) Gilby managed to do enough to get us to 6-6, but that included the debacle at Cal where we gave up 700 yards (or thereabouts). It was an indifferent team that pretty much was at best mediocre. We lost 5 of our last 8, including the blowout to Cal, the blowout to UCLA, and a home loss to NEVADA. Yep, the program was heading in the right direction.

    The 2002 season under Slick was another sterling season example that is most remembered for the "Northwest Championship." That was great. But it hid the fact that going into the "Northwest Championship" we were a 4-5 football team that was pretty much a joke at 1-4 in the conference. In both 2002 and 2003, we finished the season with a 4-4 conference record.

    These weren't good football teams. The trend was heading downhill.

    Emmert comes on board and immediately gets sadled with the Gilby 1-10 debacle.

    Prior to Emmert coming on board, Babs jumps ship after a decade of mis-management, including allowing the stadium to begin the erosion process.

    Throughout 2003, we're faced with Slick leaving and the subsequent lawsuit(s), Dr. Feelgood, and a whole mess with the softball program and Teresa Wilson.


    Things were not in great shape. I think just about everybody knew that.

    A search committee is formed to replace Babs. The BOR, upper campus, and the big donor supporters of the school are sick of the egg showing up on their face. They are sick of the country club that Babs ran and the loose way she ran the department - particularly in light of what went on with Slick. They wanted someone prim, proper, and who they could count on would not sully the University name. ENTER TODD TURNER.

    Now, this pretty much gets you up to the point where Emmert was hired. Did he have to sign off on the hiring of Turner? Most likely. But whatever.

    At this point, Emmert isn't responsible for the on-field performance of the football program. There is a coach in place. It's not Emmert's job to oversee the football program or any other program in the athletic department. That job belongs to Todd Turner. It's Emmert's job to monitor the job performance of Todd Turner.

    So 1-10 happens. Gilby is canned by Turner (rightfully so). Yes, the program went 1-10. But the actions of those charged with overseeing the program were correct. Turner fired the coach for poor performance. If I'm in Emmert's shoes, I can't complain.

    Coaching search takes place and Turner has his heart set on Tyrone Willingham. It's Turner's hire. It's not Emmert's hire. Surely Emmert had to sign off on the hire. That's fine. You want to throw some blame on him for not having the foresight to negate the hire. That's fine. But the hire isn't Emmert's responsibility. It's Turner's responsibility. It's Emmert's responsibility to hold Turner accountable for the hire (which he did 3 years later when it was obvious that Tyrone wasn't the answer).

    So Tyrone goes 2-9 the first year after a 1-10 year. Not great. Warning signs start going off, particularly with some poor performance to close games. But it's the first year of the regime and really hard to get too critical.

    The next year the program goes 5-7 and has 2 significant events. The first significant event is the loss of the QB to injury. I think many could argue that without the loss of Isaiah that year, we go 6-6. The second event that was significant was the "suddenly senior" day and the unexplicable loss to Stanford with the most emotionless football team anybody had ever seen. Again, there's not enough there to fire Tyrone at that point. There are warning signs. There is ground to pretty much tell Tyrone that the following year is an action year where something needs to happen. He's on a short leash at this point in my opinion.

    The following year we lose games in ways that are unexplainable. Blow a huge loss to Arizona - a game we should have never lost. The most ridiculous ending to an Apple Cup I've ever seen where a guy was open by 20 yards coming out of a timeout. Blowing a pair of 21 point leads to Hawai'i. It was pretty obvious at this point that things weren't working. Coaching change was in order. Perhaps an AD change was also in order. The coaching change was blocked and complicated. The AD's head fell - and rightfully so due to some other issues that he had and such a terrible hire of a head coach.

    Prior to the decision to fire Tyrone after 2007, it's really hard to argue with ANYTHING that Emmert had done with respect to the football program.

    I will say that bringing Tyrone back for 2008 was a disasterous mistake. It should have never happened. You want to throw 0-12 on Emmert - I'm all for it. I think if you caught Emmert in a reflective, truthful moment, he would tell you in hindsight that he should have made the move and that it wasn't worth the carnage of 0-12.

    Throw Emmert under the bus for 2008. That's his responsibility. 2004-2007? Not so much. By all means, please, please tell me where he has responsibility for 2004 and 2007 other than the fact that he's the University President. Please tell me what specific actions that he did to undermine the program. You aren't going to find them - they aren't there.

    Your criticism of Emmert is ridiculous. Your criticism of Woodward is just downright comical.

    Where has Woodward screwed this program? He has only been responsible for this program in the summer of 2008 in a full-time role. Are you going to hold him to the fire for being the interim AD for the first half of 2008? How is he responsible for anything from 2004-2007 when he wasn't even involved with the Athletic Department? Talk about conspiracy theories. This may be one of the greatest conspiracy theories I've ever seen.

    I don't like losing. I don't like what I've seen the last 5 years. It's made me sick to my stomach many times over. But unlike you, I can at least take a step back and realize that the genesis of this problem began well before Mark Emmert became President of the University of Washington.

    If I spent my time being a "mindless Race Bannon minion," then I'd be convinced that the only logical explanation for our failures have been Mark Emmert and Scott Woodward.

    Quite frankly, that opinion is one of the most idiotic insanely stupid opinions that I've ever seen in my life.

    I don't defend the "wrong targets." There is blame to be thrown Emmert's way. I readily acknowledge that. But it isn't his full blame. Babs deserves blame. Gerberding deserves blame. McCormick deserves some blame. Slick deserves some blame. Gilby deserves some blame. Turner deserves some blame. Tyrone deserves some blame. Of the names I've listed, only 3 of those names have any timeline that extends into any portion of Emmert's tenure. That's less than half of those names.

    Quite frankly Race, you are a world class donkey. When I hear people bitch and moan about the people in the State of Washington - you are a crystal example of why people bitch about the State of Washington. When I hear people that bitch about the fans of the University of Washington and what their complaints are, you represent what those complaints are.

    In my opinion, you are not good for the University of Washington. You aren't helping the program. You aren't helping the University. You are entirely self-serving and a pompous, egotistical jerk.

    You are barking up the wrong tree if you are going after me. I'm not naive enough to shove my head so far up my arse to ignore what I am seeing. I don't think that there is anybody that knows me that would say that I wouldn't call a spade a spade.

    All that paying for and attending games longer than I've been alive has done for you is given you a perceived ability to go be a bitter old man. Congrats on that.

    Thanks for showing those of us in a younger generation how not to act in 20-30 years when we are in your shoes.
  • CuntWaffleCuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,499

    Ran it thru bad translator. 250 characters max is stupid but still funny:

    From English: Close race, you want to take the gloves ? You have to get down to a game you pee ? Let's do it. Let's roll . I'm getting tired of your hatred, negativity, under the bus and throwing people . Frankly , race, I'm very, very happy , I do not know you

    To Bulgarian: Оспорвана надпревара, искате да вземете ръкавици? Вие трябва да слязат на игра, който пее? Нека го направим. Нека roll. Аз съм се уморен от омразата си, негативност, под автобуса и хвърляне хора. Честно казано раса, аз съм много, много щастлив, аз не ви познавам

    Back to English: The disputed race, you want to take your gloves? You need to get off the game sing? Let's do it. Let's roll. I'm getting tired of his hate, negativity, and throwing people under the bus. Frankly, I'm very, very happy, I don't know you

    To Catalan: La cursa disputada, vol prendre el seu guants? Cal baixar el joc cantar? Anem a fer-ho. Anem a rodar. M'estic cansant del seu odi, negativitat i persones llançant sota el autobús. Francament, estic molt, molt content, no et conec

    Back to English: The race is contested, you want to take your gloves? You need to get off the game sing? We're going to do this. Let's roll. I'm getting tired of your hate, negativity and people throwing under the bus. Frankly, I'm very, very happy, don't you know

    To Chinese Simplified: 比赛争议、 你想要你的手套呢?你需要离开游戏唱歌吗?我们要这样做。让我们行动起来。我开始厌倦你的仇恨,消极情绪和投掷下公共汽车的人。坦白说,我非常高兴,你不知道

    Back to English: Competition disputes, your gloves do you want? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something about it. I grow tired of your hate, negativity and people thrown off the bus. Frankly, I'm very happy, you have no idea

    To Chinese Traditional: 競爭糾紛,你的手套做你想要嗎?你需要離開遊戲唱歌嗎?我們需要這樣做。讓我們做些什麼。厭倦了你的仇恨,消極情緒和投擲了公車的人長大坦率地說,很高興,你根本不知道

    Back to English: Competition, your gloves do you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something about it. Tired of your hate, negativity and threw the bus people grow up, frankly, glad that you don't know

    To Czech: Konkurence, rukavice do to chcete? Musíte se dostat ze hry zpívat? Musíme tak učinit. Dejte nám něco udělat. Unavený z nenávisti, negativismus a vyhodil autobus lidí rostou, upřímně, rád, že to nevíte

    Back to English: Competition, gloves do you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do so. Let us do something. Tired of the hatred, negativism and fired up people grow, frankly, glad that you don't know

    To Danish: Konkurrence, handsker du ønsker det? Du har brug at komme ud af spillet til at synge? Vi har brug at gøre dette. Lad os gøre noget. Træt af had, negativitet og fyret op folk vokse, ærligt talt, glad for at du ikke kender

    Back to English: Competition gloves you want it? You need to get out of the game to sing? We need to do this. Let us do something. Tired of hate, negativity and fired up people grow, frankly, glad that you do not know

    To Dutch: Concurrentie handschoenen u wilt? U moet krijgen uit het spel om te zingen? We moeten om dit te doen. Laten we iets doen. Moe van haat, negativiteit en ontslagen van mensen groeien, eerlijk gezegd, blij dat je niet weet

    Back to English: Competition gloves you want? You should get out of the game to sing? We need to do this. Let's do something. Tired of hate, negativity and dismissals of people grow, frankly, glad you don't know

    Why does the rant make more sense this way?
  • SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,379 Founders Club
    I actually like Tequilla. He is a Doog and all, but at least he is rational (usually) and provides some humor. But holy hell, this is the kind of post you never live down. It's like when you get caught fucking a really fat chick in a closet at a party, your friends (and enemies) are going to bust your balls about it 20 years later. Not that I ever fucked a fat chick at a party. Er...
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Swaye said:

    I actually like Tequilla. He is a Doog and all, but at least he is rational (usually) and provides some humor. But holy hell, this is the kind of post you never live down. It's like when you get caught fucking a really fat chick in a closet at a party, your friends (and enemies) are going to bust your balls about it 20 years later. Not that I ever fucked a fat chick at a party. Er...

    Imagine being that guy now with cell phone cameras everywhere.

    Tees and pees.
  • Your_MomYour_Mom Member Posts: 393
    Swaye said:

    Not that I ever fucked a fat chick at a party. Er...

    How fat was she?
  • unfrozencavemanunfrozencaveman Member Posts: 2,303
    About a size 14. Now put the fucking lotion in the brisket
  • Your_MomYour_Mom Member Posts: 393
    Is that the size with cankle rolls and a triple neck? LIke Molly from Mike & Molly?
  • Your_Mom said:

    Is that the size with cankle rolls and a triple neck? LIke Molly from Mike & Molly?

    Axe @IrishDawg22
  • SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,379 Founders Club
    edited October 2013
    Your_Mom said:

    Swaye said:

    Not that I ever fucked a fat chick at a party. Er...

    How fat was she?
    Nifty 250? In my defense, it was just oral.
  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,652
    Confession time, while I've lol'ed at that rant multiple times through the years, I've still never made it past "throwing people" at the end of line two.

    TL; DR. Even to laugh at.
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