What has riled up women this much? I understand Trump's comment about grabbing women but that was 11 years ago and he thought he was in private. I don't entirely excuse it but man the language, the signs, and the hats in these marches out in the public and excessively crude.
And Hillary can be a nasty woman ("deploreables" comment, lying about her email server, cynically tolerating her husband's affairs) though Trump may wish he had said, "Hillary, you can be very nasty" to take gender out of it.
Anyway, I can't believe how whipped up the women in my life are about this and when I attempted to point out the hypocrisies of the Left, I was told I wasn't "respecting them or their desire to march".
FWIW, I conceded to them that it makes little financial and political sense to go after Planned Parenthood since it receives only $375 million and Trump could win more votes than he'd lose if he moderated his stance there. He should save his political capital for Government and Entitlement Reform, Defense Bloat, *some* regulatory reform, and immigration reform:
Most women who like sex aren't really up in arms about what he said. They realize that this is how guys talk behind closed doors. They might think what he said was a little over the top, but it's pretty much how guys talk. Look at this bored for example.
and if I heard some chick telling her friend that all you gotta do is "grab him by the cock," I'd get some wood.