I like global warming. Turn Warshington into a sunny tropical paradise where Seattle is flooded out of existence. Unfortunately god promised not to flood the world again, so I don't think it's possible.
I read somewhere that even if we were to completely stop carbon emissions altogether (impossible), it would supposedly take hundreds of years just for the effects to begin to reverse.
I love how this shit works. For a long time we were all told "global warming" and supposed to run around in a frenzy. Until people started realizing that was a crock of shit and the narrative turned to "climate change".
I love how this shit works. For a long time we were all told "global warming" and supposed to run around in a frenzy. Until people started realizing that was a crock of shit and the narrative turned to "climate change".
Are we back to global warming again? I'm confused
Climate change is a result of global warming. They are the same thing.
I love how this shit works. For a long time we were all told "global warming" and supposed to run around in a frenzy. Until people started realizing that was a crock of shit and the narrative turned to "climate change".
Are we back to global warming again? I'm confused
Climate change is a result of global warming. They are the same thing.
I love how this shit works. For a long time we were all told "global warming" and supposed to run around in a frenzy. Until people started realizing that was a crock of shit and the narrative turned to "climate change".
Are we back to global warming again? I'm confused
Climate change is a result of global warming. They are the same thing.
Thanks Hondo Jr.
What preventive measures are you taking to help this catastrophe?
I love how this shit works. For a long time we were all told "global warming" and supposed to run around in a frenzy. Until people started realizing that was a crock of shit and the narrative turned to "climate change".
Are we back to global warming again? I'm confused
Climate change is a result of global warming. They are the same thing.
What were the causes for "climate change" before man existed? Keep sucking that progressive dick moron.
2017 will be muy calente.
Are we back to global warming again? I'm confused
What preventive measures are you taking to help this catastrophe?
Oh no they didn't count that super warm period in history as it didn't fit the predetermined outcome.
All bullshit to hand our money over to poor shit hole countries out of WSJ guilt. Fuck off!
No money for climate change fantasy. Poof it's gone just like Obunghole! Now to neuter the EPA and all the other alphabet BS agencies.