Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
By 'just fine', do you mean refugee riots, terrorist attacks and a crumbling economy?
Or are you referencing the white countries in Northern Europe who are also getting attacked by terrorists and starting to talk deportation of those who are not of the race/national origin?
Which country are you referencing?
You choose.
No seriously, tell me.
Seriously take your choice
Okay tell me about the refugee riots, terrorist attacks, and a crumbling economy in Ireland.
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
By 'just fine', do you mean refugee riots, terrorist attacks and a crumbling economy?
Or are you referencing the white countries in Northern Europe who are also getting attacked by terrorists and starting to talk deportation of those who are not of the race/national origin?
Which country are you referencing?
You choose.
No seriously, tell me.
Seriously take your choice
Okay tell me about the refugee riots, terrorist attacks, and a crumbling economy in Ireland.
The word rape was literally not in that story. Still has nothing to do with how Norway is an successful social democracy.
Has dementia already set in or did you forget we were talking about this: "Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe".
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
By 'just fine', do you mean refugee riots, terrorist attacks and a crumbling economy?
Or are you referencing the white countries in Northern Europe who are also getting attacked by terrorists and starting to talk deportation of those who are not of the race/national origin?
Which country are you referencing?
You choose.
No seriously, tell me.
Seriously take your choice
Okay tell me about the refugee riots, terrorist attacks, and a crumbling economy in Ireland.
The word rape was literally not in that story. Still has nothing to do with how Norway is an successful social democracy.
Has dementia already set in or did you forget we were talking about this: "Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe".
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
By 'just fine', do you mean refugee riots, terrorist attacks and a crumbling economy?
Or are you referencing the white countries in Northern Europe who are also getting attacked by terrorists and starting to talk deportation of those who are not of the race/national origin?
Which country are you referencing?
You choose.
No seriously, tell me.
Seriously take your choice
Okay tell me about the refugee riots, terrorist attacks, and a crumbling economy in Ireland.
The word rape was literally not in that story. Still has nothing to do with how Norway is an successful social democracy.
Has dementia already set in or did you forget we were talking about this: "Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe".
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
By 'just fine', do you mean refugee riots, terrorist attacks and a crumbling economy?
Or are you referencing the white countries in Northern Europe who are also getting attacked by terrorists and starting to talk deportation of those who are not of the race/national origin?
Which country are you referencing?
You choose.
No seriously, tell me.
Seriously take your choice
Okay tell me about the refugee riots, terrorist attacks, and a crumbling economy in Ireland.
The word rape was literally not in that story. Still has nothing to do with how Norway is an successful social democracy.
Has dementia already set in or did you forget we were talking about this: "Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe".
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan manage their mixed economies and socialized medicine reasonably well.
Find me a John Galtian libertarian paradise. Then find me one that works. If fully free and unfettered markets are so great, how come nobody has them? Including us.
Good question: Answer is that everywhere on earth has too many worthless people.
new deal economics worked pretty well here to until Reagan, and Clinton destroyed it
It worked well until about 1970, by which time Japan was back on it's feet and started killing our manufacturing sector with cheaper and higher quality stuff. Korea followed in it's heels in the 80's. Relocations to China and India followed suit.
Reagan didn't destroy anything that wasn't already rusting and decomposing on its own, although union busting, job losses and wage depression did happen in some sectors under his watch.
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan manage their mixed economies and socialized medicine reasonably well.
Find me a John Galtian libertarian paradise. Then find me one that works. If fully free and unfettered markets are so great, how come nobody has them? Including us.
Statements like these are just uninformed. Western European Socialism works well for government provided services exempt from the rules of the free market. That's fine. But the tax rates are very high, resulting in very little upward mobility for anyone with ideas or initiative.
You should also realize how Europe's continuing serf-like attitudes about power and rule are why it remains vulnerable to partisan bickering, rivalry, cultural hatreds and conflict, as each country's subtle nationalism will invariably bubble to the surface as they gang up on smaller countries or countries pushing unpopular but important positions. Eg. Britain.
You may want to read "While Europe Slept" to understand why European countries are dying culturally from within as immigrants imported to contribute to the ever-widening, ever-more expensive safety nets and big government provisions displace European Christian culture with their various sects of Islam, laying foundations for Sharia Law and turning many European cities into no-go zones for anyone besides muslims.
If you're really smart, you'll read Churchill's "The Gathering Storm" to understand how pathetic and fake the European kumbaya exercises in shared governance are, and always have been. They will fuck their closest neighbors to spare themselves. Always have. Always will. Because it's always easier to give-in and sell-out to rogues in the short-term, than stand up and fight for what's right over the long term.
Executive orders are easy to reverse. Hopefully that will happen with all of this unconstitutional BS.
If you think Trump isn't all for the nsa looking at your shit you're gravely mistaken. The only people in this election who GAF about stopping it were rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie's a communist he cares what you say and write so he can put you in gulag if he doesn't like it.
I don't like it and want it stopped no matter who's in office.
Socialism is communism and it's history is MILLIONS of people being killed. History much?
Yeah I know the right people just haven't tried it yet.
Why aren't you people smoking Cuban cigars enjoying the worlds greatest health care?
Social democracy, what we are actually talking about, is working just fine in Europe. And those countries go a lot further than what anyone here is advocating for. Socialist and communist control sucks. Only the fringe want to try that in this country
Always, the look at Europe... They're doing great!!! from the left. Little Pissant Countries like Sweden and Norway are doing well because they have small military budgets as a percentage of GDP.
You brought up rapes.
Reagan didn't destroy anything that wasn't already rusting and decomposing on its own, although union busting, job losses and wage depression did happen in some sectors under his watch.
You should also realize how Europe's continuing serf-like attitudes about power and rule are why it remains vulnerable to partisan bickering, rivalry, cultural hatreds and conflict, as each country's subtle nationalism will invariably bubble to the surface as they gang up on smaller countries or countries pushing unpopular but important positions. Eg. Britain.
You may want to read "While Europe Slept" to understand why European countries are dying culturally from within as immigrants imported to contribute to the ever-widening, ever-more expensive safety nets and big government provisions displace European Christian culture with their various sects of Islam, laying foundations for Sharia Law and turning many European cities into no-go zones for anyone besides muslims.
If you're really smart, you'll read Churchill's "The Gathering Storm" to understand how pathetic and fake the European kumbaya exercises in shared governance are, and always have been. They will fuck their closest neighbors to spare themselves. Always have. Always will. Because it's always easier to give-in and sell-out to rogues in the short-term, than stand up and fight for what's right over the long term.
Can you guess why that may be???