He wants his messages heard, not filtered and adulterated.
You really should try and learn something from a billionaire who is about to become the most powerful man in the world (while you stood by baffled, seeking truth from hondo)
Continue to be a blind follower. People like you are why an incompetent buffoon is potus. Quick question: if he said that the earth is flat would you still defend him?
Obama just chuckled
Great substantive response. If Obama had said and done even a quarter of what Trump has he would have been laughed off of the stage.
"Not Hillary" was the primary basis for electing Trump. A desire for change was the driver. Trump could've raped, then slaughtered a rhino on Broadway, worn it's horn as a hat on the Today Show and still won the election. HRC was that dislikable to a sizable chunk of the electorate.
He wants his messages heard, not filtered and adulterated.
You really should try and learn something from a billionaire who is about to become the most powerful man in the world (while you stood by baffled, seeking truth from hondo)
Continue to be a blind follower. People like you are why an incompetent buffoon is potus. Quick question: if he said that the earth is flat would you still defend him?
Obama just chuckled
Great substantive response. If Obama had said and done even a quarter of what Trump has he would have been laughed off of the stage.
Everyone predicted he'd get laughed off the stage. Instead, Trump was elected President, something you still don't understand and/or accept.
G'nite Snowflake
It's actually easy to understand. Hillary was the worst candidate ever, the democratic party sucks, and trump was a master at lying and snake oiling his way to the white house.
trump should have been laughed off the stage but was normalized by the republican party and with billions in free media by so called liberal press. Had a democrat attacked McCain's war hero status, made fun of a disabled reporter, not know who hamas and Hezbollah are, say they get their foreign policy advice from TV, etc. they would not have been taken seriously.
Your argument doesn't make sense anyway. Holding five press conferences to announce cabinet members wouldn't be a very effective smoke screen.
I am gainfully employed with little time to do your work for you but it is widely known that Obama was lobbying Congress hard to get Obamacare on the floor asap. ANd He was doing this BEFORE he was sworn in. He made an end run and the other side of the aisle didn't trust him again.
You were probably 15 at the time, so I understand why you wouldn't remember.
He has
The best man won.
You were probably 15 at the time, so I understand why you wouldn't remember.