Hondo and his buddy
@CirrhosisDawg really struggle with it so I am going to try again. Imagine me talking real slow so they can follow
The Podesta emails and the DNC emails had already been released when Trump said he wasn't sure if he would accept the election results.
Trump's statement cause the usual panic among the left and we were treated to impassioned speeches by both Obama and Hillary on the sacred duty to accept the results and how it tears the very fabric of America to question whether the election was fair.
That was when they thought they had it in the bag.
The DNC had been warned before the release that they were vulnerable. In keeping with the close watch on cyber security that the party leader Hillary showed, they moved their server into a bath tub. And they got hacked
The government has been hacked numerous times by Russia and China and little Billy Baddass in his mom's basement over Obama's 8 years. The excuse for his inaction and no comments was that he didn't want to piss off Russia because of his brilliant Syria strategy to let Russia take over and turn the middle east into a wasteland so we'd have plenty of terorrist refugees to bring here.
Trump wins and the gloves are off and it is let's roll time with Putin. Even though there is still no proof of Russia being behind the wiki leaks.
17 intelligence agencies said Saddam had WMDs. They really did. So now I feel vindicated for my support of the Iraq war because SEVENTEEN FUCKING AGENCIES cannot be wrong. It sounds great right? 17! 16 maybe there is some doubt but SEVENTEEN? Book it and cook it.
So forgive us for not following you losers down the rabbit hole of your despair. Logic dictates that you are mere shills for Hillary and as full of shit as you have been for 18 months and counting.
Here is your wikileak right here
The Podesta emails and the DNC emails had already been released when Trump said he wasn't sure if he would accept the election results.
Trump's statement cause the usual panic among the left and we were treated to impassioned speeches by both Obama and Hillary on the sacred duty to accept the results and how it tears the very fabric of America to question whether the election was fair.
That was when they thought they had it in the bag.
The DNC had been warned before the release that they were vulnerable. In keeping with the close watch on cyber security that the party leader Hillary showed, they moved their server into a bath tub. And they got hacked
The government has been hacked numerous times by Russia and China and little Billy Baddass in his mom's basement over Obama's 8 years. The excuse for his inaction and no comments was that he didn't want to piss off Russia because of his brilliant Syria strategy to let Russia take over and turn the middle east into a wasteland so we'd have plenty of terorrist refugees to bring here.
Trump wins and the gloves are off and it is let's roll time with Putin. Even though there is still no proof of Russia being behind the wiki leaks.
17 intelligence agencies said Saddam had WMDs. They really did. So now I feel vindicated for my support of the Iraq war because SEVENTEEN FUCKING AGENCIES cannot be wrong. It sounds great right? 17! 16 maybe there is some doubt but SEVENTEEN? Book it and cook it.
So forgive us for not following you losers down the rabbit hole of your despair. Logic dictates that you are mere shills for Hillary and as full of shit as you have been for 18 months and counting.
Here is your wikileak right here</blockquote
You sound defensive. Also, who ever you think you are responding to, it isn't me. Great insight as always. WTGWT.
A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by 'disgusted' whisteblowers - and not hacked by Russia.
Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.
'Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,' said Murray in an interview with Dailymail.com on Tuesday. 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.'
But I thought you had proof her server was hacked. Now it wasn't hacked. Which is it Race?
Her server wasn't a part of this story. Dumb as a bag of rocks.
Clinton campaign emails do not equal Clinton SOS emails
They have determined that the DNC hackers as well as the DCCC hackers were APT29 and The Dukes which are part of the Russian Federal Security Service. They can do this by comparing the tools used to hack the DNC to other hacks known to be carried out by this group--among a bevy of other ways to do this. Independent cybersecurity firms (i.e. not your OBAMA/HILLARY PARTISAN SHILLS!1!1!!!1) have also concluded that it was them. Not to mention this fits a pattern of Russian cyberespionage carried out in Ukraine, and elsewhere in Europe.
The Russians took the documents, Race, don't play stupid.
FYI the Iraq fiasco was more a case of selective interpretation of intelligence by the Bush Administration. Blaming the CIA et. al for the war hungry aspirations of Cheney and Rumsfeld is a good one. The CIA isn't free of blame, but you can't use that as a reason to dismiss their current intel gathering out of hand.
Your logic sucks.
The NSA has to come up with some insane unconstitutional monitoring system to get info. China just opens the filing cabinet and grabs everything.
The best and the brightest go anywhere but the government or use it as their firsr job to build a quick resume. Then we contract work out to people who want to do very little and get paid a lot.
You are honestly the most ignorant person I've ever interacted with.