Great "You must be a Premium Member to access this content PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP Benefits 1 year Sports Illustrated Magazine ($39 value) for Annual Members* Exclusive videos and stories Exclusive Premium Forums Access to Premium stories across the Scout Network Ad-free Scout videos for Annual Members Premium Fantasy Content 10% off All Tickets – Save $100’s All Basic Membership Benefits * Your first issue will mail 2-6 weeks from receipt of order" as always.
I'm sorry that you're poor and stupid. It's a free site and the link works
When I tried to open the link on my phone, I got the "premium membership" page. When I opened it on my computer, it took me right to the topic in the link. I'm sure it has to do with Scout's cheap, outdated, shitty website. The link is correct.
I'm offended that he doesnt think we talk football here
Why would you be offended by someone else's inability to discern reality? Why would you be offended that someone is is a moron? That's just the way he is.
The stuff poasted on that site is well, borderline crazy.
No wonder they lost the Civil War.
Pass me a Corona as I lay out on the Pacific beach at La Push!! This is basically just like SoCali baby!!!