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Obama is the communist

2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
Threatening businesses then offering them tax cuts is definitely the basis for capitalism.

"Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. It's not going to happen, I'll tell you right now," Trump said on Thursday.

Pethokoukis, a scholar with the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, called it the worst economic speech since Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale promised to reverse Reaganomics in 1984.

"The idea that American corporations are going to have to make business decisions, not based on the fact that we've created an ideal environment for economic growth in the United States, but out of fear of punitive actions based on who knows what criteria exactly from a presidential administration. I think that's absolutely chilling,"



  • Mosster47
    Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246
    Are you still criticizing the team during warmups?
  • HuskyInAZ
    HuskyInAZ Member Posts: 1,732
    Remember when this bored was full of tits, tats and guns. Then along comes millennial hondo, and the bored goes to shit. I stop by from time to time in hopes of a change, but it's clear this fucktard is bent filling it up with garbage.

    It's sad to see how far The Tug has fallen.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    HuskyInAZ said:

    Remember when this bored was full of tits, tats and guns. Then along comes millennial hondo, and the bored goes to shit. I stop by from time to time in hopes of a change, but it's clear this fucktard is bent filling it up with garbage.

    It's sad to see how far The Tug has fallen.

    You can post T&A if you want. Stop bitching and man up.
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    2001400ex said:

    HuskyInAZ said:

    Remember when this bored was full of tits, tats and guns. Then along comes millennial hondo, and the bored goes to shit. I stop by from time to time in hopes of a change, but it's clear this fucktard is bent filling it up with garbage.

    It's sad to see how far The Tug has fallen.

    You can post T&A if you want. Stop bitching and man up.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    Hondo forgets his hero illegally seized one of the largest company's in the world.

    That's communist.

    Hondo if we but you some skinny jeans and a flannel will you leave the basement and give us a break?
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Sledog said:

    Hondo forgets his hero illegally seized one of the largest company's in the world.

    That's communist.

    Hondo if we but you some skinny jeans and a flannel will you leave the basement and give us a break?

    Who owns GM now? What bill was the takeover of GM under? While yes taking over a private business is technically communism (hey you got one right). The result was necessary to keep a huge American company going. And that step helped the economy greatly.
  • doogie
    doogie Member Posts: 15,072
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    This thread wouldn't be so FS if it had the slightest thing to do with taint-licking.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016
    If trump holds his word and actually slaps tariffs on companies that outsource, you would have to give him credit for being consistent even if it might be bad economically.

    If he just makes a bunch more carrier deals giving tax breaks and loosening regulations to every corp. wanting to leave, that would be as hypocritical as some of his cabimet picks, and would set a horrible precedent.
  • Hippopeteamus
    Hippopeteamus Member Posts: 1,946
    As if state-control of economies is only communist...What would our? OL coach have to say about this!?
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    I'm just glad that communism is in vogue now.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    Hondo forgets his hero illegally seized one of the largest company's in the world.

    That's communist.

    Hondo if we but you some skinny jeans and a flannel will you leave the basement and give us a break?

    Who owns GM now? What bill was the takeover of GM under? While yes taking over a private business is technically communism (hey you got one right). The result was necessary to keep a huge American company going. And that step helped the economy greatly.
    Hondo you answered your own question. No authorization from congress. No legal grounds to seize a private company and install your guy as president of it. That ain't America!

    Another overreach by the illegal with a pen and a phone. I'm certain it's an obama phone.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    Hondo forgets his hero illegally seized one of the largest company's in the world.

    That's communist.

    Hondo if we but you some skinny jeans and a flannel will you leave the basement and give us a break?

    Who owns GM now? What bill was the takeover of GM under? While yes taking over a private business is technically communism (hey you got one right). The result was necessary to keep a huge American company going. And that step helped the economy greatly.
    Hondo you answered your own question. No authorization from congress. No legal grounds to seize a private company and install your guy as president of it. That ain't America!

    Another overreach by the illegal with a pen and a phone. I'm certain it's an obama phone.
    Obama had authorization from your buddy. Presidential and congressional approval.

  • Mosster47
    Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246
    dhdawg said:

    If trump holds his word and actually slaps tariffs on companies that outsource, you would have to give him credit for being consistent even if it might be bad economically.

    If he just makes a bunch more carrier deals giving tax breaks and loosening regulations to every corp. wanting to leave, that would be as hypocritical as some of his cabimet picks, and would set a horrible precedent.

    Tariffs are a thing of the past. If he does brings back jobs and keeps them here tax breaks and deregulation is the only realistic way.

    Many will disagree, but I don't think businesses should be taxed to begin with. Tax people, not the thing that gets people out of bed in the morning.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Mosster47 said:

    dhdawg said:

    If trump holds his word and actually slaps tariffs on companies that outsource, you would have to give him credit for being consistent even if it might be bad economically.

    If he just makes a bunch more carrier deals giving tax breaks and loosening regulations to every corp. wanting to leave, that would be as hypocritical as some of his cabimet picks, and would set a horrible precedent.

    Tariffs are a thing of the past. If he does brings back jobs and keeps them here tax breaks and deregulation is the only realistic way.

    Many will disagree, but I don't think businesses should be taxed to begin with. Tax people, not the thing that gets people out of bed in the morning.
    Businesses will still outsource as long as people in other countries are willing to work a full day for the cost of a bag of rice. Regulations and taxes are relatively cheap.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    Hondo forgets his hero illegally seized one of the largest company's in the world.

    That's communist.

    Hondo if we but you some skinny jeans and a flannel will you leave the basement and give us a break?

    Who owns GM now? What bill was the takeover of GM under? While yes taking over a private business is technically communism (hey you got one right). The result was necessary to keep a huge American company going. And that step helped the economy greatly.
    Hondo you answered your own question. No authorization from congress. No legal grounds to seize a private company and install your guy as president of it. That ain't America!

    Another overreach by the illegal with a pen and a phone. I'm certain it's an obama phone.
    Obama had authorization from your buddy. Presidential and congressional approval.

    TARP allows the Treasury to purchase both "troubled assets" and any other asset the purchase of which the Treasury determines is "necessary" to further economic stability. Troubled assets include real estate and mortgage-related assets and securities based on those assets. This includes both the mortgages themselves and the various financial instruments created by pooling groups of mortgages into one security to be bought on the market. This category probably includes foreclosed properties as well.

    Illegal. Overreach.
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    @Hondo @Sledog: You both sound poor.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016
    Mosster47 said:

    dhdawg said:

    If trump holds his word and actually slaps tariffs on companies that outsource, you would have to give him credit for being consistent even if it might be bad economically.

    If he just makes a bunch more carrier deals giving tax breaks and loosening regulations to every corp. wanting to leave, that would be as hypocritical as some of his cabimet picks, and would set a horrible precedent.

    Tariffs are a thing of the past. If he does brings back jobs and keeps them here tax breaks and deregulation is the only realistic way.

    Many will disagree, but I don't think businesses should be taxed to begin with. Tax people, not the thing that gets people out of bed in the morning.
    I understand that. just pointing out that isn't what he ran on
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719

    @Hondo @Sledog: You both sound poor.

    I've sunk to hondo's level.
  • Mosster47
    Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246

    dhdawg said:

    Mosster47 said:

    dhdawg said:

    If trump holds his word and actually slaps tariffs on companies that outsource, you would have to give him credit for being consistent even if it might be bad economically.

    If he just makes a bunch more carrier deals giving tax breaks and loosening regulations to every corp. wanting to leave, that would be as hypocritical as some of his cabimet picks, and would set a horrible precedent.

    Tariffs are a thing of the past. If he does brings back jobs and keeps them here tax breaks and deregulation is the only realistic way.

    Many will disagree, but I don't think businesses should be taxed to begin with. Tax people, not the thing that gets people out of bed in the morning.
    I understand that. just pointing out that isn't what he ran on
    He had to get Wal-Mart people on his team to win. That caliber of human doesn't negotiate. You can't alter Obama-Care and keep the good parts because it has the word Obama in it.

    NAFTA can't be a solid trade agreement with certain areas that are negative for the US. It has to be the worst deal in the history of the world.

    The shit he said while running was obviously overblown fantasy.