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More attacks on 2A



  • PurpleThrobber
    PurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,433
    My guns and religion don't fit in Levis.

    *Real* patriots wear Carhartt.
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    edited December 2016
    “While we understand the heartfelt and strongly held opinions on both sides of the gun debate, it is with the safety and security of our employees and customers in mind that we respectfully ask people not to bring firearms into our stores, offices or facilities, even in states where it’s permitted by law,”

    From the reporter:

    He explicitly stated that trying to enforce a ban could undermine their goal of safety. It is simply a request.

    “With that in mind we’ve made this decision as a business — a request not a mandate — and we sincerely hope responsible gun owners will respect our position,” he said.

    So he's asking to not bring guns into his store for safety, but doesn't want to ban guns because it could effect safety. Way to take a stance...coward.
  • Swaye
    Swaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,147 Founders Club
    I already thought Levi's sucked but from here on out I won't be in any of their stores or buying their bullshit jeans ever. Headquartered in San Francisco. Go figure. Fuck them.
  • dnc
    dnc Member Posts: 56,614
    CEO's name is Chip.

    I'm surprised anyone is surprised.
  • 79smoothdawg
    79smoothdawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 710 Swaye's Wigwam
    Swaye said:

    I already thought Levi's sucked but from here on out I won't be in any of their stores or buying their bullshit jeans ever. Headquartered in San Francisco. Go figure. Fuck them.

    Yeah, those fags!
  • BrickSquad
    BrickSquad Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    Swaye said:

    I already thought Levi's sucked but from here on out I won't be in any of their stores or buying their bullshit jeans ever. Headquartered in San Francisco. Go figure. Fuck them.

    Lol Levi's won't hurt in the pocket when some stupid ass injuan won't buy their jeans

    Besides dropping $300 on raw denim, Levi's own. Have fun with trying to bang chicks with Brett favre's wranglers

    501s for life you pussy and I have a concealed weapon permit
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    I buy custom, American made jeans that outwear and outlast Wranglers, Carharts or Levis. For less than $50 a pair.

    And fuck off if you think I'm sharing the brand. I don't need you fools driving up the price.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    I buy custom, American made jeans that outwear and outlast Wranglers, Carharts or Levis. For less than $50 a pair.

    And fuck off if you think I'm sharing the brand. I don't need you fools driving up the price.

    photo 701e4fdba767b8101e13625268ffb6ef_zpsleww6bav.jpg
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    My Duluth Trading Firehose pants are stout enough to hold up my 1911 and Johnson at the same time! Fuck Levi's!