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Trump nominates the swamp to lead the treasury



  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    Ross was also a rothschild investor.

    You seem butt hurt over things that don't matter. Ross and Mnuchin are highly talented and highly successful, Ross as among other things, a turn around specialist and Mnuchin in banking and investments. The sweeping proposals these two are currently working to put into action are supported by growth projections that by even the most conservative estimates will get Trump re-elected with ease. I'm guessing that is really the source of your concern as it should be. Your guys just re-elected Pelosi as congressional minority leader, and are considering a radical muslim to head your party. Good luck with that.
    the republican party is a cesspool of christian fundamentalists. but that's okay, right. because they are a part of the religion you like.
    Christian cesspool? I forgot they're so violent! This is a Christian nation.
  • ThomasFremont
    ThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    Still criticizing the team during warm ups I see.

    Yeah, like Sark.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    Ross was also a rothschild investor.

    You seem butt hurt over things that don't matter. Ross and Mnuchin are highly talented and highly successful, Ross as among other things, a turn around specialist and Mnuchin in banking and investments. The sweeping proposals these two are currently working to put into action are supported by growth projections that by even the most conservative estimates will get Trump re-elected with ease. I'm guessing that is really the source of your concern as it should be. Your guys just re-elected Pelosi as congressional minority leader, and are considering a radical muslim to head your party. Good luck with that.
    the republican party is a cesspool of christian fundamentalists. but that's okay, right. because they are a part of the religion you like.
    Christian cesspool? I forgot they're so violent! This is a secular nation.
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    edited December 2016
    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
  • Southerndawg
    Southerndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,248 Founders Club
    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    Ross was also a rothschild investor.

    You seem butt hurt over things that don't matter. Ross and Mnuchin are highly talented and highly successful, Ross as among other things, a turn around specialist and Mnuchin in banking and investments. The sweeping proposals these two are currently working to put into action are supported by growth projections that by even the most conservative estimates will get Trump re-elected with ease. I'm guessing that is really the source of your concern as it should be. Your guys just re-elected Pelosi as congressional minority leader, and are considering a radical muslim to head your party. Good luck with that.
    the republican party is a cesspool of christian fundamentalists. but that's okay, right. because they are a part of the religion you like.
    Christian cesspool? I forgot they're so violent! This is a secular nation.
    That's a myopic point of view.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
    If Apple could invest in something to bring in a large return on its money, why would they not pay the 35%? Or borrow the money at 4%?

    Are you stupid or just not know anything about business?
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326

    sounds like a swell guy.

    Meanwhile trump picks a health secretary who supports privatizing medicare, after running on a platform of protecting it.

    Strange isn't it?
  • Southerndawg
    Southerndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,248 Founders Club
    dhdawg said:


    sounds like a swell guy.

    Meanwhile trump picks a health secretary who supports privatizing medicare, after running on a platform of protecting it.

    Strange isn't it?

  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016

    dhdawg said:


    sounds like a swell guy.

    Meanwhile trump picks a health secretary who supports privatizing medicare, after running on a platform of protecting it.

    Strange isn't it?

    great response
  • doogie
    doogie Member Posts: 15,072
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:


    sounds like a swell guy.

    Meanwhile trump picks a health secretary who supports privatizing medicare, after running on a platform of protecting it.

    Strange isn't it?

    great response
    It happens when you post stupid shit.

    Your fake outrage and supposed justification prove you know nothing of IndyMac and by extension, the mortgage crisis.
  • RaceBannon
    RaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,657 Swaye's Wigwam
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    yes. it's standard republican/conservative policy. I really just threw it in at the end.
    It's the fact that he partnered and worked for the evil george soros that I find so hilarious.
    Don't like that either, but I'm definitely in favor of the corporate tax cuts, which should bring in a huge immediate influx of tax revenue.
    Mnuchin and Ross will make a great team. I'm looking forward to real pro growth leadership that has been so sorely lacking.
    if hillary had nominated someone who worked at soros fund management, you would be destroying her .
    You sound bitter

    Hillary was fully funded by Wall Street and Soros. Not much of a choice. Maybe wait for Inauguration Day before we claim defeat? Guy knows his way around the swamp. The boss isn't bought and paid for like Hillary
    I never defended hillary on her wall street ties. she was never my candidate. I didn't vote for her.
    but by all means, keep defending daddy and his lies no matter what he does.
    There was 2 choices I made the correct one.

    Your hysteria amuses me
    my hysteria? I just find it amusing that you guys are rushing to defend your daddy now that he's going against almost everything he ran on.

    I'm responding to your posts. If you don't want a response you can always shut the fuck up
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    edited December 2016
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
    If Apple could invest in something to bring in a large return on its money, why would they not pay the 35%? Or borrow the money at 4%?

    Are you stupid or just not know anything about business?
    Since you can't understand how an asset to liability ratio can effect a bottom line, I find you ironic.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
    If Apple could invest in something to bring in a large return on its money, why would they not pay the 35%? Or borrow the money at 4%?

    Are you stupid or just not know anything about business?
    Since you can't understand how an asset to liability ratio can effect a bottom line, I find you ironic.
    What's lost on you is leveraging assets.

    "I'm not making this investment with a 10% return because it's going to cost me 4%" said no one ever.
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
    If Apple could invest in something to bring in a large return on its money, why would they not pay the 35%? Or borrow the money at 4%?

    Are you stupid or just not know anything about business?
    Since you can't understand how an asset to liability ratio can effect a bottom line, I find you ironic.
    What's lost on you is leveraging assets.

    "I'm not making this investment with a 10% return because it's going to cost me 4%" said no one ever.
    But what if you now have the liquid cash to avoid the 4%?
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    The corporate tax cuts is to create an incentive for companies like Apple who have over $200 billion in overseas accounts, to bring the money back to this country.

    No. A corporate tax cut will not bring Apple cash home. A one tax holiday that has been discussed might.

    Either way, Apple has so much American cash they don't know how to spend, the foreign money will just go to shareholders through a dividend. Which is fine by me, I have quite a bit of Apple stock.
    They actually don't. That's why they haven't had many acquisitions because they would have to bring in money that would be taxed.

    I have stock in it too. But that's one thing that has kept the stock from going higher.
    If Apple could invest in something to bring in a large return on its money, why would they not pay the 35%? Or borrow the money at 4%?

    Are you stupid or just not know anything about business?
    Since you can't understand how an asset to liability ratio can effect a bottom line, I find you ironic.
    What's lost on you is leveraging assets.

    "I'm not making this investment with a 10% return because it's going to cost me 4%" said no one ever.
    But what if you now have the liquid cash to avoid the 4%?
    Then you use the liquid cash. Or a stock transfer sale.

    The point is, for people who have no clue about business. At all. That taxes are not keeping Apple from not investing in companies. It's the lack of businesses they want to buy that will provide a return they want. Apple can do what the fuck they want. They can almost buy Microsoft on a straight cash sale.
  • doogie
    doogie Member Posts: 15,072
    edited December 2016
    The point is, for people who have no clue about business. At all.

    Trump is going to want to know where this $500 Billion in cash Apple is sitting on.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited December 2016
    Now trump is considering the president of goldman sachs for a cabinet position, after bashing Cruz and Clinton's ties to the same bank during the campaign.

    Enjoy you trump voters. You got what you voted for. An all time great con artist
  • doogie
    doogie Member Posts: 15,072
    You aren't having a good day.