how? if he does in fact stand up to the sellout republicans I'll give him credit. things point to the opposite tho
This. If Trump actually stands up and does shit to help America, I'll applaud. And most the Trump haters here will do the same I'm guessing. Unlike conservatives here who hate Obama no matter what.
A thread with @dhdawg and @2001400ex stroking each other is special. You fuckers lost!!!
Also, please explain to me how obamacare helped the middle class.
Those 20 plus million people who now have insurance must have been from the upper class?
Who the fuck do you think paid for it, you moron? Of course, the middle class paid for it. Obama knew this was going to happen, everyone knew it. And is continues to get worse.
Obamacare subsidies extend into the middle class. I agree that there were better plans for the middle class, unfortunately republicans and blue dogs blocked it and obama caved.
Hi there Fuckface Part Deux!!!!
The middle class almost overwhelmingly have jobs that offer employer provided Healthcare.
He hates the world for letting you live.
It's the deadbeats that don't live in a State like Oregon, who already had insurance coverage through Cover Oregon.
The 20 Million, They're like you... Lower class.
The middle class almost overwhelmingly have jobs that offer employer provided Healthcare.