The best is when conservatives claim sq footage victory over actual votes. That's when you know intelligence.
The best is when liberals claim actual votes when Hillary won the popular vote in two of the largest and gayest states by 35 points.
Take out each of their two biggest winning states and Trump wins by almost 3 million votes. But I guess California and New York should dictate the choice of the entire country is what you're saying?
The best is when conservatives claim sq footage victory over actual votes. That's when you know intelligence.
The best is when liberals claim actual votes when Hillary won the popular vote in two of the largest and gayest states by 35 points.
Take out each of their two biggest winning states and Trump wins by almost 3 million votes. But I guess California and New York should dictate the choice of the entire country is what you're saying?
Take out Pennsylvania and Michigan and Hillary wins.
Two states dictating the presidency happens all the time.
The best is when conservatives claim sq footage victory over actual votes. That's when you know intelligence.
The best is when liberals claim actual votes when Hillary won the popular vote in two of the largest and gayest states by 35 points.
Take out each of their two biggest winning states and Trump wins by almost 3 million votes. But I guess California and New York should dictate the choice of the entire country is what you're saying?
Take out Pennsylvania and Michigan and Hillary wins.
Two states dictating the presidency happens all the time.
Give trump Minnesota and Nevada and he wins again. We could go all day on this. The Electorial college makes it so the presidential winner must carry a victory over multiple regions. This has been the rules since the beginning. Trump played the game better than Hillary plain and simple. It makes it even worse knowing Hillary had home field advantage up 2-0 and still blew it.
The best is when conservatives claim sq footage victory over actual votes. That's when you know intelligence.
The best is when liberals claim actual votes when Hillary won the popular vote in two of the largest and gayest states by 35 points.
Take out each of their two biggest winning states and Trump wins by almost 3 million votes. But I guess California and New York should dictate the choice of the entire country is what you're saying?
Great "if you take away those 2 long TD runs, he didn't have a very good YPC" post.
From the headlines:
"Donald Trump claims credit for keeping auto production in Kentucky" — Breitbart
"More winning—Ford CEO calls Donald Trump: Lincoln Plant will stay in Kentucky — Infowars
"Remember how Trump threatened Ford? Well look at the huge announcement they just made" — The Conservative Tribune
Keep up.
Take out each of their two biggest winning states and Trump wins by almost 3 million votes. But I guess California and New York should dictate the choice of the entire country is what you're saying?
Two states dictating the presidency happens all the time.
She also won the overall popular vote.
But still...