That's a tough one. I'll say I like Wooching more, but only because I've made fun of Mickens so much on here that I kind of have to keep rolling with that.
Hmmmmmm do I shoot myself in the head or the stomach? Do I use a pistol or a shotgun?
I know you are being sarcastic but if you want to do the job right you actually want to shoot your head with a small caliber pistol like a .22, that way the bullet wont over penetrate and will actually bounce around on the inside of your skull for maximum efficiency
Hmmmmmm do I shoot myself in the head or the stomach? Do I use a pistol or a shotgun?
I know you are being sarcastic but if you want to do the job right you actually want to shoot your head with a small caliber pistol like a .22, that way the bullet wont over penetrate and will actually bounce around on the inside of your skull for maximum efficiency
Hmmmmmm do I shoot myself in the head or the stomach? Do I use a pistol or a shotgun?
I know you are being sarcastic but if you want to do the job right you actually want to shoot your head with a small caliber pistol like a .22, that way the bullet wont over penetrate and will actually bounce around on the inside of your skull for maximum efficiency
I love this bored.
Where else can you find this kind of great life coaching?
Hmmmmmm do I shoot myself in the head or the stomach? Do I use a pistol or a shotgun?
I know you are being sarcastic but if you want to do the job right you actually want to shoot your head with a small caliber pistol like a .22, that way the bullet wont over penetrate and will actually bounce around on the inside of your skull for maximum efficiency
Might be recency bias, but Wooching is on his own level of douchiness with absolutely nothing to back it up. At least Mickens was the top guy at his position last year, even if it was a spectacularly shitty WR corps. Wooching is very obviously the worst player on defense, yet he showboats more than anyone, and has the faggiest haircut and facepaint to go along with it. I hope a rape charge comes to the surface soon so we can send him and his couch off in disgrace.
atleast wooching will be forgotten just like HHB practice hero cort dennison in a few years