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Dear Democrats

RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,639
First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
Swaye's Wigwam
You have built a very impressive national election machine. It took a corrupt incompetent unlikable candidate to blow it this year. And even then, as my esteemed Senator from Apto's pointed out, you won the popular vote.

Even with the revelations of collusion with the mainstream media, the selling of policy for cash, the mocking of your base and the rigging of the primaries, the voters almost forgave you.

Don't be like Nixon who won 49 states but still felt he had to cheat and manipulate the system.

You have the minorities on lock down. Why not stop the politics of division and begin to heal the divide. Don't tell me the GOP started it. Be the better party. It's ok to admit that it isn't 1960 anymore. You won't lose the base if you turn to a more positive message of we've come a long way baby. That doesn't mean we stop, it means we acknowledge what has happened and thank the white man for his role in that.

Calling someone a racist or taking political disagreement and calling it hate will never bring someone over to your side. Calling everything racist means nothing is racist. You give the real racists an out. I hoped that when we boomers died off the next generation that was raised in a more free and less racist country would carry forward on that basis. Instead it looks like we passed it on. We have to fix our cities and we have to provide real jobs and hope. Not just pointing fingers at each other.

People do care about our borders. People do care about our jobs. People don't want excessive regulation in their lives and business. People do want clean air and water. Be the smart guys you claim to be and craft a message and policy that isn't extreme but allows for both sides to win.

Trump took your message. The people that haven't been voting for you don't want to choke on the air or drink sewage. They also don't want the EPA to rule with an iron fist without legislative deliberation.

Stop pandering and start fixing. You will take back Congress in the mid terms - it happens 81% of the time. In 4 or 8 years depending on the job Trump does, you'll have the White House again. Be ready with something more than the bullshit we are seeing now.

Old white men (shout out to me) have something to offer this country as well. Use us, don't demonize us.

I'm writing this letter to you because most of my life I have been a Democrat and I just voted for one of your best candidates in years. Learn from that. Find a younger version of the type of leadership and vision that Trump ran on and follow through.

Trump will likely fail. Most Presidents do. Everything is aligned against him. But you don't need him to fail to succeed. Give up on Obamacare and find something better. It's a clear loser and is probably the ultimate reason Clinton lost. It hurts the working class most. We could write checks to those without insurance. We didn't need to fuck it for almost everyone else.

People do not see America as two parties, they see it as the Establishment against us. The Democrats I knew, knew that. Maybe its too late. But the cynicism and hipster douchebaggery that is on display now is not a good look. It's not enough to point out how much the GOP sucks. People get that. They really do. You managed to get them to realize that you suck too.

Good luck the rest of the way. Now I have to get out there and start ripping burkahs off of heads.

TL;DR Fuck off



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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    You have built a very impressive national election machine. It took a corrupt incompetent unlikable candidate to blow it this year. And even then, as my esteemed Senator from Apto's pointed out, you won the popular vote.

    Even with the revelations of collusion with the mainstream media, the selling of policy for cash, the mocking of your base and the rigging of the primaries, the voters almost forgave you.

    Don't be like Nixon who won 49 states but still felt he had to cheat and manipulate the system.

    You have the minorities on lock down. Why not stop the politics of division and begin to heal the divide. Don't tell me the GOP started it. Be the better party. It's ok to admit that it isn't 1960 anymore. You won't lose the base if you turn to a more positive message of we've come a long way baby. That doesn't mean we stop, it means we acknowledge what has happened and thank the white man for his role in that.

    Calling someone a racist or taking political disagreement and calling it hate will never bring someone over to your side. Calling everything racist means nothing is racist. You give the real racists an out. I hoped that when we boomers died off the next generation that was raised in a more free and less racist country would carry forward on that basis. Instead it looks like we passed it on. We have to fix our cities and we have to provide real jobs and hope. Not just pointing fingers at each other.

    People do care about our borders. People do care about our jobs. People don't want excessive regulation in their lives and business. People do want clean air and water. Be the smart guys you claim to be and craft a message and policy that isn't extreme but allows for both sides to win.

    Trump took your message. The people that haven't been voting for you don't want to choke on the air or drink sewage. They also don't want the EPA to rule with an iron fist without legislative deliberation.

    Stop pandering and start fixing. You will take back Congress in the mid terms - it happens 81% of the time. In 4 or 8 years depending on the job Trump does, you'll have the White House again. Be ready with something more than the bullshit we are seeing now.

    Old white men (shout out to me) have something to offer this country as well. Use us, don't demonize us.

    I'm writing this letter to you because most of my life I have been a Democrat and I just voted for one of your best candidates in years. Learn from that. Find a younger version of the type of leadership and vision that Trump ran on and follow through.

    Trump will likely fail. Most Presidents do. Everything is aligned against him. But you don't need him to fail to succeed. Give up on Obamacare and find something better. It's a clear loser and is probably the ultimate reason Clinton lost. It hurts the working class most. We could write checks to those without insurance. We didn't need to fuck it for almost everyone else.

    People do not see America as two parties, they see it as the Establishment against us. The Democrats I knew, knew that. Maybe its too late. But the cynicism and hipster douchebaggery that is on display now is not a good look. It's not enough to point out how much the GOP sucks. People get that. They really do. You managed to get them to realize that you suck too.

    Good luck the rest of the way. Now I have to get out there and start ripping burkahs off of heads.

    TL;DR Fuck off

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    PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,416
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    2001400ex said:

    You have built a very impressive national election machine. It took a corrupt incompetent unlikable candidate to blow it this year. And even then, as my esteemed Senator from Apto's pointed out, you won the popular vote.

    Even with the revelations of collusion with the mainstream media, the selling of policy for cash, the mocking of your base and the rigging of the primaries, the voters almost forgave you.

    Don't be like Nixon who won 49 states but still felt he had to cheat and manipulate the system.

    You have the minorities on lock down. Why not stop the politics of division and begin to heal the divide. Don't tell me the GOP started it. Be the better party. It's ok to admit that it isn't 1960 anymore. You won't lose the base if you turn to a more positive message of we've come a long way baby. That doesn't mean we stop, it means we acknowledge what has happened and thank the white man for his role in that.

    Calling someone a racist or taking political disagreement and calling it hate will never bring someone over to your side. Calling everything racist means nothing is racist. You give the real racists an out. I hoped that when we boomers died off the next generation that was raised in a more free and less racist country would carry forward on that basis. Instead it looks like we passed it on. We have to fix our cities and we have to provide real jobs and hope. Not just pointing fingers at each other.

    People do care about our borders. People do care about our jobs. People don't want excessive regulation in their lives and business. People do want clean air and water. Be the smart guys you claim to be and craft a message and policy that isn't extreme but allows for both sides to win.

    Trump took your message. The people that haven't been voting for you don't want to choke on the air or drink sewage. They also don't want the EPA to rule with an iron fist without legislative deliberation.

    Stop pandering and start fixing. You will take back Congress in the mid terms - it happens 81% of the time. In 4 or 8 years depending on the job Trump does, you'll have the White House again. Be ready with something more than the bullshit we are seeing now.

    Old white men (shout out to me) have something to offer this country as well. Use us, don't demonize us.

    I'm writing this letter to you because most of my life I have been a Democrat and I just voted for one of your best candidates in years. Learn from that. Find a younger version of the type of leadership and vision that Trump ran on and follow through.

    Trump will likely fail. Most Presidents do. Everything is aligned against him. But you don't need him to fail to succeed. Give up on Obamacare and find something better. It's a clear loser and is probably the ultimate reason Clinton lost. It hurts the working class most. We could write checks to those without insurance. We didn't need to fuck it for almost everyone else.

    People do not see America as two parties, they see it as the Establishment against us. The Democrats I knew, knew that. Maybe its too late. But the cynicism and hipster douchebaggery that is on display now is not a good look. It's not enough to point out how much the GOP sucks. People get that. They really do. You managed to get them to realize that you suck too.

    Good luck the rest of the way. Now I have to get out there and start ripping burkahs off of heads.

    TL;DR Fuck off

    Have fun running with that:


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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
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    When coaching youth football remember: Single wing = Championship
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    GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,482
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    doogie said:

    When coaching youth football remember: Single wing = Championship

    If you have a center—real cerebral type, lunchpail kid—for it. Double-wing much simpler to coach, and allow you to spend more time on defense.
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
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    In youth football, just because you have 10 plays, it doesn't mean you have to run them all.
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    GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,482
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    doogie said:

    In youth football, just because you have 10 plays, it doesn't mean you have to run them all.

    Double-wing you can do it with 4, maybe 5: Super power (power toss, called a couple different things), criss-cross, FB trap, power PA to backside TE, and maybe a double pass off of super power or criss-cross.
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    SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,247
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    Founders Club

    I love that a Dear Democrats thread turned into a youth sports participation trophy thread.

    It's perfect.

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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    First Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment 5 Up Votes

    You have built a very impressive national election machine. It took a corrupt incompetent unlikable candidate to blow it this year. And even then, as my esteemed Senator from Apto's pointed out, you won the popular vote.

    Even with the revelations of collusion with the mainstream media, the selling of policy for cash, the mocking of your base and the rigging of the primaries, the voters almost forgave you.

    Don't be like Nixon who won 49 states but still felt he had to cheat and manipulate the system.

    You have the minorities on lock down. Why not stop the politics of division and begin to heal the divide. Don't tell me the GOP started it. Be the better party. It's ok to admit that it isn't 1960 anymore. You won't lose the base if you turn to a more positive message of we've come a long way baby. That doesn't mean we stop, it means we acknowledge what has happened and thank the white man for his role in that.

    Calling someone a racist or taking political disagreement and calling it hate will never bring someone over to your side. Calling everything racist means nothing is racist. You give the real racists an out. I hoped that when we boomers died off the next generation that was raised in a more free and less racist country would carry forward on that basis. Instead it looks like we passed it on. We have to fix our cities and we have to provide real jobs and hope. Not just pointing fingers at each other.

    People do care about our borders. People do care about our jobs. People don't want excessive regulation in their lives and business. People do want clean air and water. Be the smart guys you claim to be and craft a message and policy that isn't extreme but allows for both sides to win.

    Trump took your message. The people that haven't been voting for you don't want to choke on the air or drink sewage. They also don't want the EPA to rule with an iron fist without legislative deliberation.

    Stop pandering and start fixing. You will take back Congress in the mid terms - it happens 81% of the time. In 4 or 8 years depending on the job Trump does, you'll have the White House again. Be ready with something more than the bullshit we are seeing now.

    Old white men (shout out to me) have something to offer this country as well. Use us, don't demonize us.

    I'm writing this letter to you because most of my life I have been a Democrat and I just voted for one of your best candidates in years. Learn from that. Find a younger version of the type of leadership and vision that Trump ran on and follow through.

    Trump will likely fail. Most Presidents do. Everything is aligned against him. But you don't need him to fail to succeed. Give up on Obamacare and find something better. It's a clear loser and is probably the ultimate reason Clinton lost. It hurts the working class most. We could write checks to those without insurance. We didn't need to fuck it for almost everyone else.

    People do not see America as two parties, they see it as the Establishment against us. The Democrats I knew, knew that. Maybe its too late. But the cynicism and hipster douchebaggery that is on display now is not a good look. It's not enough to point out how much the GOP sucks. People get that. They really do. You managed to get them to realize that you suck too.

    Good luck the rest of the way. Now I have to get out there and start ripping burkahs off of heads.

    TL;DR Fuck off

    Back to the original thread, Good stuff Race.
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    PurpleJPurpleJ Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 36,637
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    Swaye's Wigwam
    They will probably go full socialism and it might work as my generation is fucking stupid.
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    priapismpriapism Member Posts: 2,036
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    I think humanity has like 35 years left, so I'm not stressing out about this above stuff right now. Pretty much every country will have some sort of WMD within the next 30 years. With all the sociopaths drawn to politics, humanity is fucked.
    In the short term, party up!

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