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Racist crap



  • dflea
    dflea Member Posts: 7,221
    Sledog said:

    dflea said:

    Good one.

    Sure to earn you a participation trophy - like the rest of the fucking losers.

    I was on the winning side. No doubt about which side you were on.
    Yeah, but that was a dick sucking contest you won.

    Were the girls you beat jealous?
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    Loosing is normal for you. One would think you'd be better at it by now.
  • dflea
    dflea Member Posts: 7,221
    Sledog said:

    Loosing is normal for you. One would think you'd be better at it by now.

    Are you trying to claim that you won the election or something?

    The only thing worse than showing off a participation trophy is claiming credit for somebody else's win.

    What a fucking goat you are.
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    It took a lot more than white men to elect Trump. It took many people you call friends, libtards.

    Wake the fuck up!
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    dflea said:

    Sledog said:

    Loosing is normal for you. One would think you'd be better at it by now.

    Are you trying to claim that you won the election or something?

    The only thing worse than showing off a participation trophy is claiming credit for somebody else's win.

    What a fucking goat you are.
    Delusional much?
  • NeGgaPlEaSe
    NeGgaPlEaSe Member Posts: 5,729

    The white privilege bullshit is the worst.

    I have a SJW friend who's probably about ten years older than DiP. Everything is about white people this and white men this, mansplaining...he's my friend and we go back a long way, but he's fucking insufferable at times. He lectures me (and others) on this shit. He got mad at Mitch for not siding with Kaeperdick.

    Trump won in part because people are sick of being called racist and having p.c. nonsense rammed down their throat or worried about what innocuous thing they say at work may get them a visit from some HR cunt. It seem like a dumb reason, but it was smart of him to play on that.

    Trump won because he's not Clinton
    Fact is many working blacks and Hispanics voted for trump
  • Swaye
    Swaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,147 Founders Club


    I'm making you an honorary First Nation member for this.
  • TurdBomber
    TurdBomber Member Posts: 19,784
    The best way to eliminate stereotypes is to label people as racists, misogynists, sexists, privileged, etc. So think SJWs.
  • mobey
    mobey Member Posts: 3,254

    The white privilege bullshit is the worst.

    I have a SJW friend who's probably about ten years older than DiP. Everything is about white people this and white men this, mansplaining...he's my friend and we go back a long way, but he's fucking insufferable at times. He lectures me (and others) on this shit. He got mad at Mitch for not siding with Kaeperdick.

    Trump won in part because people are sick of being called racist and having p.c. nonsense rammed down their throat or worried about what innocuous thing they say at work may get them a visit from some HR cunt. It seem like a dumb reason, but it was smart of him to play on that.

    Trump won because he was going against Hillary.
  • AlCzervik
    AlCzervik Member Posts: 1,774
    PurpleJ said:

    I don't believe a lot of these stories coming out without witnesses or proof. It would make sense for many of these stories to be fabricated by people who want to push a false narrative of racism. I guess the radical left is already campaigning for 2020 with their divisive rhetoric.

    Sledog said:

    Loosing is normal for you. One would think you'd be better at it by now.

    Loosers loose.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,719
    doogie said:
    Paid Soros Democrat agitators. Why is that asshat not in jail?

    Hondo your on the payroll what's the story?
  • doogie
    doogie Member Posts: 15,072
    All of the ALT-Left including CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC chose to perpetuate this bogus propaganda. Why?
  • greenblood
    greenblood Member Posts: 14,304
    doogie said:

    All of the ALT-Left including CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC chose to perpetuate this bogus propaganda. Why?

    Money and access
  • PurpleJ
    PurpleJ Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 36,637 Swaye's Wigwam
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    The first step in a dictatorship is convincing the weak minded that the media and their detractors are the liars.