If Obama's tenure was as strong as he'd like to believe it was, then Hillary would have won rather easily against a flawed candidate like Trump ...
That's a non-partisan, simple truth opinion
No Trump supporter (and I'm more of a Never Hillary than a Trump Supporter) would have ever in their wildest dreams expected as big of a win as they got ... this is as big of a win as a Republican has had in a long time
If Obama's tenure was as strong as he'd like to believe it was, then Hillary would have won rather easily against a flawed candidate like Trump ...
That's a non-partisan, simple truth opinion
No Trump supporter (and I'm more of a Never Hillary than a Trump Supporter) would have ever in their wildest dreams expected as big of a win as they got ... this is as big of a win as a Republican has had in a long time
Gore lost and are you going to say Bill was a failure?
Reality is, Hillary was a shitty candidate and Trump and the FBI did a good job painting her as a criminal.
If Obama's tenure was as strong as he'd like to believe it was, then Hillary would have won rather easily against a flawed candidate like Trump ...
That's a non-partisan, simple truth opinion
No Trump supporter (and I'm more of a Never Hillary than a Trump Supporter) would have ever in their wildest dreams expected as big of a win as they got ... this is as big of a win as a Republican has had in a long time
Gore lost and are you going to say Bill was a failure?
Reality is, Hillary was a shitty candidate and Trump and the FBI did a good job reminding everyone she was a criminal.
That's a non-partisan, simple truth opinion
No Trump supporter (and I'm more of a Never Hillary than a Trump Supporter) would have ever in their wildest dreams expected as big of a win as they got ... this is as big of a win as a Republican has had in a long time
Reality is, Hillary was a shitty candidate and Trump and the FBI did a good job painting her as a criminal.
Good luck with Trump.