Nice way to honor them: "here is some fucking symbol so everyone can clap. Enjoy your shit post-deployment mental and physical health treatment. Sorry you got your legs blown off in an unnecessary war!! Hope the 6 seconds of recognition from drunk people in this stadium somehow offsets your mental and physical damage!! Did you get that the black unis and helmet patches symbolize all that?? Okay!!"
Nice way to honor them: "here is some fucking symbol so everyone can clap. Enjoy your shit post-deployment mental and physical health treatment. Sorry you got your legs blown off in an unnecessary war!! Hope the 6 seconds of recognition from drunk people in this stadium somehow offsets your mental and physical damage!! Did you get that the black unis and helmet patches symbolize all that?? Okay!!"
And please watch the game as you wait for days in the ER at your local Vet hospital while we hope you quietly die
But then again, we? aren't really coached.