Been awake all night. Party at the rock quarry was nails. Probably 150 people, of which at least half were chicks. Surprising amount of nudity for how cold it got. Multiple bonfires everywhere though. All the booze you could drink. DJ on a flat bed trailer. He was white, so not as funny. Did play lots of metal though, so that's cool. Lots of gunfire into a berm section of the quarry, which was fun. Especially when buzzed. Anyway, drilled a chick named Katy I nailed about 2 years ago at another party in the back of an old Bronco and then watched her dance topless in front of a fire. What a whore. Party was still going before dawn with about half the original crowd, but I couldn't take it anymore. There was no reception at all in the quarry bowl in the middle of nowhere so I left to find out the game score.
Got to a 7-11, parked the car, got the score on my phone, picked up a hot dog at 4AM, then figured fuck it, why go back? Already done some blow, got drunk and then sober, and knocked the back out of a hot skinny slut. Time to go home. Got home, made toast, grabbed a Mountain Dew and dropped my ass on the couch. Grabbed iPAD to come to this shithole and post while I watched the game on DVR. Victory.
Now I'm going to go pass out for a few hours. Hate to admit it, but I turned 43 this year, and I am starting to feel these party nights in a bad way. Might need to call up spirit fingers and confess my infidelity. Or not. Fuck it.
I'm watching a replay of the game now and getting tanked to make up for it.