Are you a real person or some kind of bizzaro SPAM-bot?"
"No, TheCatch is a deep insider. You'd HAVE to be to know that "Virta Vea" is what the players and coaches call Victor Viramontes (It all started one day at an early practice when Ossai and Nunchuck mispronounced Viramontes' name... it sorta came out ""Virta Vea" and it stuck! Not too many people know that...).
I'm figuring that TheCatch (who we will soon refer to as "TheSource", or "TheOracle") is dropping us a tidbit, coded of course: Victor Viramontes will be being unleashed as a linebacker this Saturday night, where he will quickly ramp up to All-America level play. But it's all hush-hush right now: I will probably be in trouble for correctly decoding his post, but I couldn't resist.
During a football game my girlfriend asked me why I was on the phone so much. The title hardcore husky got a disgusted look, followed by another for a football forum, followed by a third after explaining what trolling is. I stopped at that and put my phone down.
Oooms! We've had it wrong the whole time.
I also don't think I saw the Seahawks one he linked. That's hilarious.
"By the way, I originely from Belgium, pleas forget mistake in English. GO SEAHWK@!"
She looked at me like I was a total moron.
I never get tired of hearing the line is ready to rumble.
when i was crawlin off her the other night.
Boy, how I've missed that little Mexican Eskimo...