Cops keep getting ambushed around the country yet taxpayer money is going towards a "teacher" talking about "social injustices" and polluting young kids' minds with a skewed perspective?
And the real "social injustice" to kids is when they are born into single parent households, already behind the 8-ball entering the world. My guess is that asian-americans are the only ones who haven't led to more broken households:
I'd also say that the protest / BLM / "social justice" movement should focus on solutions to their problems with police rather than taking a trendy knee. It seems that bad cops aka "gypsy cops" are disproportionately responsible for unjustified law enforcement shootings. The bad cop who shot John Williams 5 or 6 years back is probably a gypsy cop now:
I wouldn't say cops are getting ambushed that often at all. Have more stories been shared nationally about people killing cops and vice versa lately? Sure, but actually, the rate of cops being murdered has been slowly decreasing over the past 45 years.
And the real "social injustice" to kids is when they are born into single parent households, already behind the 8-ball entering the world. My guess is that asian-americans are the only ones who haven't led to more broken households:
So your advocating for higher taxpayer subsidy for out of wedlock children to help make it fair?
Are you joking or being serious? Can't tell if you're trying to whoosh.
Anyway what got my hamster on the wheel up in my dome was that BLM keeps complaining about what they are against: innocent civilians being shot by bad cops (except the Grand Jury in the Michael Brown case did not indict the cop and there are a few other high-profile cases where the cops did nothing wrong) but what is BLM for and what do they support?
Maybe it's not PC for our local "leaders" to say, but I'd say putting an emphasis on stable two-parent households and obtaining higher education would help ALL races move forward.
So if you were serious, no, asking for more $$$$$$ from taxpayers when the cows are already out of the barn isn't as good as helping to keep the cows in the barn in the first place (preventative measures).
And the real "social injustice" to kids is when they are born into single parent households, already behind the 8-ball entering the world. My guess is that asian-americans are the only ones who haven't led to more broken households:
So your advocating for higher taxpayer subsidy for out of wedlock children to help make it fair?
Anyway what got my hamster on the wheel up in my dome was that BLM keeps complaining about what they are against: innocent civilians being shot by bad cops (except the Grand Jury in the Michael Brown case did not indict the cop and there are a few other high-profile cases where the cops did nothing wrong) but what is BLM for and what do they support?
Maybe it's not PC for our local "leaders" to say, but I'd say putting an emphasis on stable two-parent households and obtaining higher education would help ALL races move forward.
So if you were serious, no, asking for more $$$$$$ from taxpayers when the cows are already out of the barn isn't as good as helping to keep the cows in the barn in the first place (preventative measures).
When the basketball team kneels, that'll be newsworthy.